8 Freeze Conditioning Exercises To Help You Nail Your Freezes

BreakDance Decoded
3 min readMar 9, 2016


I’ll be honest.

Seven years ago when I first started, I struggled to learn the chair freeze.

This was my face:

I thought it was a move reserved for the lucky “double-jointed” bboys who could easily lick their elbows.

I couldn’t fathom how it was even possible to be in such an awkward position. So I thought learning the chair freeze would be out of my grasp.

Luckily though, I discovered some exercises (some from my fellow bboy friends, some are from videos) that helped me along in this journey.

These exercises, when done in a disciplined manner, really allowed me to learn freezes much much faster (and with less pain too).

Anyway, seven years later, I see the exact same faces of struggle in the classes I teach.

As the beginners reach and strive to place their elbows behind their hip bone, they can feel their shoulders being ripped apart, and pain shooting up their back muscles.

Why Some Bboys Get Freezes Right Away

You see,

The reason you and I can’t do a particular move sometimes is because we lack the right muscles and flexibility to do so.

No matter how hard we try, we find ourselves unable to understand the move. Or we find ourselves fruitless in our attempts to learn ONE particular freeze.

It is not the end though.

There is something you can do.


Exercises meant to teach your body (and limbs) to be able to position themselves in “never-done-before” angles.

Through my years of breaking, I have collected seven of these freeze conditioning exercises.

As I’ve said earlier, these exercises, when done diligently, can shortcut your learning curve for many freezes.

You’ll learn:

  • The one exercise (that you probably already know BUT don’t do) that will strengthen your back and improve its flexibility (and it has nothing to do with going to the gym)
  • How to make your stabs so natural… that that you can easily land in freezes and find it (almost) impossible to crash anymore
  • The best method to practice for gaining burst power in your freeze stacks
  • The correct way to stretch to ensure your you catch your first Invert in one-third the time you usually need

Check it out here:

By the way, the more frequent you comment in the box below, the better the quality of future tutorials.

Let me know:

a) which exercises you wish to include in your next practice

b) how you are going to make it a consistent part of your training sessions.

c) what would you like to see in the next few blog posts.


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Originally published at breakdancedecoded.com on March 9, 2016.



BreakDance Decoded

Incredibly detailed, super specific tips and tricks about bboying/bgirling. Check us out at: http://breakdancedecoded.com/