Hello Breaker

The best new app for listening to podcasts.

3 min readMay 9, 2017


We’re excited to bring you Breaker, a new iOS app for listening to podcasts!

We love listening to podcasts when we’re working out, commuting, traveling, and doing chores. Having a new and exciting story to listen to gets us excited about everyday tasks. With Breaker, our goal is to make it super easy for everyone to get into listening to podcasts.

Here’s a quick rundown of the main features of Breaker.

Subscribe to shows

It’s quick and easy to subscribe to shows you already love. You can even import them from other podcast apps. We’ll send you a push notification when there’s a new episode so you don’t miss anything!


The Playlist is how Breaker keeps track of episodes you want to listen to. New episodes for shows you’re subscribed to are added to the top of the playlist. You can re-arrange, add, and remove episodes from your playlist. Episodes in your playlist are also automatically downloaded for listening offline.

Listen to episodes in your playlist 🎧

Like ❤️

Did you love the episode you just heard? Simply tap the heart ❤️ to like the episode. Your likes feed our discovery engine for other users, so you’re helping other people find great episodes too.

Comment and share

Comment on an episode to let people know what you’re thinking about. You can comment on a particular time in the episode by tapping the comment button while the episode is currently playing. You can also reply to other people’s comments and share your thoughts on Facebook and Twitter.

Follow friends

A feature that makes Breaker really unique is the ability to follow your friends and find out what they’re listening to and liking. We recommend following your friends from Facebook and Twitter but you can also follow the hosts and guests of your favorite podcasts. Check out the Activity tab to see what your friends have been listening to lately!

Send an episode

Know someone who would be interested in a particular podcast episode? Send it to them on Breaker! They’ll be notified via push notification and the episode will be added to the top of their playlist with a comment from you. It’s magical. ✨


We realize that podcast recommendations can be overwhelming when all you want to do is to listen to a good episode. That’s why we recommend amazing new episodes that are hot on Breaker right now. With the Discover tab, you can see specific episodes that Breaker users are listening to and liking right now. It’s the quickest way find the best stuff!

Discover hot new episodes 🔥

At Breaker, we’re building a better podcast listening experience. Look for new features and improvements every week.

If you haven’t already, download Breaker and send us your thoughts and feedback. We’re listening. 🎧

Download and try Breaker today!

