Online Storytelling & Audience Engagement

Brealyn Farr
3 min readDec 9, 2022


End of The Year Reflection

Canva Graphic Design by Brealyn Farr


Online storytelling & audience engagement has been such a stimulating experience. In the last sixteen weeks as a Colorado State University student, I have had many opportunities in JTC 326 to test my creative abilities through challenging assignments that required transforming ideas into content and storytelling, keeping in mind how they could appeal to an audience.

Our professor was encouraging and helpful, inspiring me to step out of my comfort zone and produce digital material, which allowed me to push artistic boundaries I would have never attempted. In doing this, I could practice skills unique to my creative competence and immerse myself in content development.

The constant practice as a visual communicator or digital practitioner allowed me to focus on my capabilities leading to the discovery of my strengths and weaknesses. Most of my strengths were exhibited through unfamiliar mediums with which I had little to no experience, and my weaknesses were anticipated. However, some imperfections became more transparent this semester.

But with this course, I could ascertain the channels of online storytelling and audience engagement that would fundamentally impact my growth in a culture that promotes building an active audience and compellingly sharing information through digital outlets.

I now have an enhanced understanding of the necessary elements that are conducive to success in a career driven by audience analytics and digital content through different forms of media. I have grown as a communicator to be more intentional in sharing viable information in a way that best suits the traditions practiced by a particular medium or platform.

Skills Gained

Of the many lessons learned this semester, I am thrilled about the skills I acquired through the assignments that instructed new ways of sharing content in a digital setting. Developing new writing styles, creating my first podcast, and strengthening my proficiency in Adobe software will contribute to my growth as a digital communicator.

  1. Writing styles

In the first couple of modules, we were required to implement assignments demonstrating digital writing skills and techniques through a life narrative project, a “listicle,” a thought piece, and a Q&A. Although I have taken several writing courses that required a large portion of my time to be dedicated to creating essays, research, and articles, these four assignments enticed a newly profound way of writing. The different styles and formats opened a door of curiosity that illuminated the importance of sharing stories in a fun yet compelling manner.

2. Podcast

Overall, this was one of my favorite experiences. I am a lover of all podcasts, and the opportunity to produce, host, and publish an online episode of an interview was exciting. I plan to optimize my new skills and develop content that corresponds more with my branding and interest, maintaining the importance of promoting audience engagement and quality content.

3. Adobe Software

Adobe is a software program that requires hours and hours of trial and error. Fortunately, I gained experience in my visual communication class for Photoshop, Lightroom, and Premiere Pro. The new skill I can add to the list of Adobe proficiency is Audition, which made it incredibly easy to produce my podcast.

Future Endeavors

By next summer, I will be graduating, and I am still determining where my next journey will take me. However, the skills I obtained from this course will continue to inspire me to improve in all components of online storytelling and audience engagement.

I can apply my knowledge and expertise of Adobe to create and develop more digital content or as an employee for an agency. As a freelance writer or educator, I can exercise various writing styles and produce strategies to utilize my audio and editing skills to develop advertisements.

Regardless, I plan to continue strengthening my digital and technological abilities to gain proficiency for a career in marketing, advertising, freelancing, photography, or education, where all three skills can evolve through new experiences and challenges.

Without challenges, there can be no change.



Brealyn Farr

Colorado State University Student. Working towards a degree in Journalism and Media communication.