How to Discover the Secret of the Masculine and Feminine Principle in your Body

Tao, Jung, and the Breath Experience

3 min readOct 11, 2022


Authentic Breath Experience | Breath and Movement
Authentic Breath Experience — Breath & Movement — Image:Author

There is no position without its negation. In or just because of their extreme opposition, neither can exist without the other. It is exactly as formulated in classical Chinese philosophy: Yang (the masculine principle) contains within it the seed of Yin (the feminine principle) and vice versa.

Matter therefore would contain the seed of spirit and spirit the seed of matter…. Nevertheless, the Symbol has the great advantage of being able to unite heterogeneous or even incommensurable factors in a single image.” (Carl Jung, The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious)

The Yin Yang symbol represents in utmost perfection the interdependency between the two basic forces of creation. Seemingly opposed, but in fact complementary and interrelated.

Yin stands for the Feminine principle, Yang for the Masculine counterpart. Both principles are active throughout the outer world as well as in human consciousness.

Both principles can be experienced in the natural movement of the Breath. It is the game of receptivity and action that repeats itself in every single Breathing Circle. The




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