Countries that do not regulate AI wil rule them all

Brecht Corbeel
7 min readDec 17, 2023

Regulatory Ecosystems and the Ascendancy of AI in Global Hegemony

The regulatory approaches nations adopt for artificial intelligence (AI) can significantly influence their trajectory in the global order. Countries that eschew stringent AI regulations are posited to gain a competitive edge, potentially spearheading innovations and setting international AI benchmarks. This paradigm shift could allow for a more agile integration of AI in critical sectors, fostering environments where technological breakthroughs are not impeded by protracted legislative processes.


Autonomous innovation in AI, devoid of regulatory constraints, may catalyze a new era of growth in the digital economy. The proliferation of AI has already begun to redefine the parameters of industries such as fintech, healthcare, and transportation. For instance, in the fintech sector, the unregulated development of AI can expedite the creation of sophisticated algorithms for real-time risk assessment, fraud detection, and personalized banking services. These advancements could bestow significant economic advantages to countries that encourage such unfettered innovation.

The strategic implications of unregulated AI development extend into national defense, where AI technologies play an increasingly central role. Unhindered by restrictive oversight, defense sectors could rapidly adopt and refine autonomous systems, surveillance technologies, and cyber warfare tools. This could result in a paradigm where the early adopters of unregulated AI in defense accrue asymmetric advantages over their peers.

The influence of unregulated AI on data sovereignty and privacy norms could redefine international data governance. Nations that allow AI to operate with minimal oversight may set de facto standards for data utilization, potentially shaping global data norms to their advantage. This scenario presents a complex matrix of opportunities and challenges, as data becomes a cornerstone of international influence.

The potential dominance of countries favoring lax AI regulations also raises questions about the global balance of power. As these nations forge ahead, setting the pace and direction for AI applications, they could effectively delineate the pathways of technological progress for the rest of the world. This ascendancy in AI could translate into substantial soft power, as technological leadership becomes synonymous with geopolitical influence.

As AI continues to evolve, the interplay between innovation and regulation will likely become a focal point of international discourse. The countries that navigate this interplay adeptly, balancing the imperatives of innovation with the broader considerations of global impact, may well define the future of AI’s role on the world stage. The strategic recalibrations made today in response to the challenges and promises of AI will echo through the annals of geopolitical history, shaping the contours of global hegemony.

Unregulated AI and the Dynamics of Global Technological Leadership

The discourse on the global stage regarding the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) is laden with implications for economic and military strategy. Nations that strategically reduce regulatory barriers to AI development are positioning themselves as pioneers, potentially directing the trajectory of global technology standards and practices. The rapid adoption and integration of AI across various sectors — including healthcare, defense, and transportation — may lead to a reconfiguration of global leadership hierarchies.

Healthcare is one sector where the impact of unregulated AI could be profound. The deployment of AI in drug discovery, personalized medicine, and diagnostic procedures can be accelerated in an unregulated environment, leading to faster and potentially more groundbreaking medical advancements. Nations encouraging such a climate of innovation could significantly alter the global healthcare landscape, leading to disparities in medical capabilities and access between different regions.


In defense, the implications of unregulated AI are particularly stark. AI’s utility in surveillance, autonomous vehicles, and decision-support systems could be rapidly expanded in a country with lax AI regulations, potentially leading to a redefinition of military prowess. The acceleration of AI in defense not only enhances a nation’s tactical capabilities but also redefines the essence of warfare and security. These advancements may set a precedent, prompting an international race to develop AI defense technologies without the constraints of comprehensive regulatory frameworks.

Economic implications are also substantial. AI’s role in automating production, optimizing logistics, and driving innovation could create a significant competitive advantage for countries that do not limit AI development. These nations may experience accelerated growth and could dictate the pace of economic transformation globally, influencing trade policies and labor markets.

In the realm of data governance, nations with unregulated AI could become the arbiters of data privacy and security standards. The approach to handling vast amounts of data — critical for AI’s machine learning processes — will likely influence global norms and expectations around privacy. Countries at the forefront may shape these norms to benefit their economic and strategic interests, potentially leading to a global data governance architecture that reflects their values and priorities.


The pursuit of technological leadership through unregulated AI development is a strategic choice with far-reaching consequences. It reflects a nation’s commitment to securing a vantage point in an increasingly AI-driven world. This approach, however, also necessitates a consideration of the ethical and long-term societal impacts of AI, which may be sidelined in the absence of regulation.

As nations grapple with the complex dynamics of AI and its potential to redefine power structures, the conversation around regulation remains pivotal. The decisions made today will likely have lasting implications, as the balance between innovation and oversight becomes a defining factor in the quest for global technological leadership. The trajectory that nations choose in this regard will not only shape their own futures but also the future of international relations in a world where technology is deeply intertwined with power and influence.

Technological Sovereignty and the Global AI Divide

The concept of technological sovereignty is becoming increasingly relevant as artificial intelligence (AI) reshapes the international landscape. Countries that adopt a laissez-faire approach to AI regulation may find themselves in a position of strength, potentially dictating the flow of technological innovation and its diffusion across borders. This section explores the broader implications of such a strategic stance, examining how it affects international competitiveness, cybersecurity, intellectual property rights, and the global AI divide.

The potency of AI in enhancing international competitiveness is substantial. By allowing AI to develop organically, unencumbered by stringent regulations, countries can foster a fertile environment for startups and established tech firms alike to push the boundaries of innovation. This can lead to the emergence of new industry leaders and the disruption of traditional market structures. Nations that champion this approach might incubate the next generation of global tech giants, thereby exerting considerable influence over international economic dynamics.


In the domain of cybersecurity, the role of AI is twofold. On one hand, unregulated AI could lead to the rapid development of sophisticated cybersecurity tools, capable of defending against an array of cyber threats. On the other hand, it may also result in an arms race, with state and non-state actors leveraging AI for offensive purposes. The absence of regulatory constraints could escalate the development of cyber capabilities in unpredictable ways, potentially leading to a fragile international cybersecurity landscape.

Intellectual property (IP) rights are another critical area influenced by AI regulation — or the lack thereof. The pace at which AI can innovate in an unregulated environment may outstrip the existing IP frameworks, necessitating a reevaluation of how IP rights are assigned and enforced. Countries that navigate this new terrain effectively can establish themselves as standard-setters for IP rights in the age of AI, influencing global norms around innovation and ownership.

The global AI divide is perhaps one of the most pressing issues in this discourse. Countries that forge ahead with unregulated AI stand to gain significantly, while those that cannot or choose not to may fall irretrievably behind, exacerbating existing inequalities. This divide has profound implications for global development, as AI has the potential to impact every aspect of society, from education and healthcare to governance and the environment.

As countries around the world grapple with the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, the policy choices they make today will shape the international order for years to come. The pursuit of technological sovereignty through unregulated AI development is a high-stakes gamble with the potential for high rewards but also significant risks. It is a strategy that necessitates a delicate balance between fostering innovation and considering the broader implications for global stability and equity. The path chosen by each nation will not only determine its own fate but will also contribute to the global narrative of AI’s role in shaping our collective future.

