Can you explain a neutrino?

Brecht Corbeel
6 min readSep 19, 2023


The exploration of subatomic particles offers a window into the unseen world that forms the bedrock of our universe. Here, in these infinitesimal realms, we encounter the neutrino, a particle that defies many of our established conceptions about the atomic and subatomic universe. When one contemplates the neutrino, they are faced with a subtle play of matter and energy, of presence and absence, challenging the boundaries of our scientific comprehension.

To grasp the nature of the neutrino, we must first appreciate its elusive quality. While the term “ghost particle” might sound like a label from speculative fiction, it captures the quintessence of the neutrino. These subatomic entities are nearly massless, and they interact with other matter via the weak nuclear force, a fundamental force of nature that governs certain types of subatomic interactions, but does so in a manner that’s, well, “weak.” This minimal interaction is why trillions of neutrinos can pass through our bodies every second without any noticeable effect.

Batmann, CC BY-SA 4.0 <Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International — CC BY-SA 4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

The birth of the neutrino concept is an interesting chapter in the annals of physics. It was Wolfgang Pauli, a revered figure in the discipline, who postulated the existence of this particle in 1930. He introduced the idea to salvage the principle of conservation of energy, which seemed to be violated in certain radioactive decay processes known as beta decay. By suggesting the existence of a particle that carried away the missing energy without being detected, Pauli kept the fundamental principle intact. Yet, he was also cautious, famously remarking that he had done “a terrible thing” by postulating a particle that couldn’t be detected. History would prove him wrong.

The neutrino’s confirmation in experiments was a watershed moment, not just for validating Pauli’s hypothesis but also for the expansive field of particle physics. Frederick Reines and Clyde Cowan detected the elusive neutrino in 1956, an achievement for which Reines would eventually receive a Nobel Prize.

Neutrinos come in three distinct flavors: electron, muon, and tau. Intriguingly, these flavors are not steadfast. As neutrinos traverse space, they oscillate between these flavors, a phenomenon confirmed by the experiments of the Super-Kamiokande collaboration in Japan and the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory in Canada. This oscillation further revealed that neutrinos have mass, albeit an extraordinarily small one. It was a discovery that upended the prevailing orthodoxy, as the standard model of particle physics had predicted neutrinos to be massless.

Unraveling the mysteries of neutrinos isn’t merely an academic endeavor. These particles hold implications for some of the most profound questions in cosmology. For instance, the Big Bang theory posits that the universe’s infancy was replete with neutrinos. These primordial neutrinos, sometimes referred to as cosmic neutrinos, form a cosmic neutrino background analogous to the more well-known cosmic microwave background radiation.

When studying neutrinos, one can’t overlook their role in stellar processes. The sun, a furnace of nuclear fusion, is a prolific emitter of neutrinos. Solar neutrinos, as they’re termed, were at the center of what came to be known as the solar neutrino problem. Observations detected fewer neutrinos than theoretically predicted, a discrepancy that puzzled scientists for decades. The solution emerged from the realization that neutrinos could change flavors, and detectors were predominantly sensitive to only one flavor.

Ifj.Kuti.Imre, CC BY-SA 3.0 <Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

One of the salient features of neutrinos is their potential to offer insights into realms beyond our current understanding. Some hypotheses in the ambit of beyond the standard model (BSM) physics posit the existence of a fourth type of neutrino, the so-called sterile neutrino. If validated, this would signify a monumental shift in our understanding, pointing toward new physics and unknown facets of the universe’s architecture.

The neutrino, thus, stands not just as an enigma in its own right but also as a touchstone for broader inquiries into the fabric of reality. As researchers continue their explorations, armed with ever more sophisticated apparatus like the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole or the forthcoming Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment in the US, one can only anticipate the revelations that await. The neutrino’s tale, already rich with unexpected twists, promises to weave even more intricate patterns in the tapestry of scientific knowledge.

The neutrino’s role in the broader context of astrophysics has been growing more salient. In recent times, there’s been burgeoning interest in neutrinos not just as by-products of stellar processes but as cosmic messengers in their own right. Unlike photons or charged cosmic rays, neutrinos are not deflected by magnetic fields and thus maintain a straight-line trajectory from their source. This property renders them invaluable in the realm of astroparticle physics, as they can offer insights into cosmic events and sources that other particles might not so faithfully represent.

Take, for instance, the detection of high-energy neutrinos from a blazar in 2018. A blazar is a type of active galactic nucleus with a jet shooting out, pointed almost directly towards Earth. This observation, made by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, marked the first instance of identifying a source of high-energy neutrinos and cosmic rays. It signified a new era of multi-messenger astronomy, where diverse cosmic signals, from gravitational waves to neutrinos, are harnessed in concert to fathom celestial events.

Bill Smith from Virginia Beach, CC BY 2.0 <Creative Commons — Attribution 2.0 Generic — CC BY 2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

Another intriguing aspect of neutrinos lies in their potential to shed light on the asymmetry between matter and antimatter in the universe. While the Big Bang should have produced equal amounts of both, the universe we observe is predominantly matter. Why this discrepancy exists is one of the paramount questions in cosmology. Some physicists speculate that neutrinos and their antimatter counterparts, antineutrinos, might behave differently in ways that could account for this imbalance. Experiments like T2K in Japan and NOvA in the US aim to discern these minute differences, known as CP violation, in neutrino oscillations.

The field of neutrinoless double beta decay is another frontier that has garnered attention. Certain isotopes are known to undergo a process called double beta decay. If this process were to occur without the emission of neutrinos, it would have profound implications. It would suggest that the neutrino is its own antiparticle — a Majorana particle. Not only would this discovery have implications for the matter-antimatter conundrum but it would also touch upon foundational principles of particle physics.

In the realm of dark matter, too, neutrinos hold tantalizing potential. While they cannot be the primary constituent of dark matter due to their minuscule mass, they can act as a probe to understand the nature of this elusive form of matter. Since dark matter doesn’t interact electromagnetically, traditional telescopes cannot detect it. But given the right conditions, interactions between neutrinos and dark matter could produce discernible signals, offering indirect evidence of dark matter’s properties.

While it’s tempting to see the neutrino as a particle shrouded in shadows, its true allure lies in its capacity to illuminate. From its initial postulation as a mere tool to balance energy equations to its current stature at the vanguard of astroparticle research, the neutrino’s journey epitomizes the evolution of scientific understanding. With every revelation, it underscores the delicate interplay of knowledge and mystery that defines the scientific endeavor.

As the 21st century progresses, neutrino research stands poised at the nexus of myriad disciplines, from cosmology to particle physics. Its intersections with topics as diverse as the origins of the universe, the inner workings of supernovae, and the nature of dark matter, ensure that the neutrino remains not just an object of study but a beacon, guiding us towards hitherto uncharted terrains of understanding. The dance of this almost ethereal particle, as it flits through matter and space, might well be one of nature’s most profound ballets, a performance that we’re only just beginning to truly appreciate.

