Why Are Your Guests Abandoning Online Orders Before Checkout?

Breck Hapner
3 min readSep 15, 2018


Today it’s more convenient than ever to place an order online. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t certain glitches or bottlenecks in your web development or mobile app.

If you’re a brand offering products online, you’ve likely seen customers load up their virtual shopping cart only to leave and not return. So, why are your guests abandoning online orders before checkout?

Restaurants see this happen all the time. It should be said upfront that it’s impossible to convert 100 percent of your online leads. But it can still be frustrating to see potential customers not complete their orders.

So, here are several possible reasons your customers are abandoning their orders and what you can do about it.

Too Much Hassle

Isn’t it ridiculous to think that something as convenient as online ordering could be perceived as inconvenient?

Well, sure, today it’s more convenient than it ever was to place an order online. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t certain glitches or bottlenecks in your web, mobile, kiosk or tableside app.

Maybe it doesn’t work properly on mobile devices. Maybe the app requires the customer to go through too many steps to confirm their order. Perhaps the checkout process just isn’t as easy and straightforward as it could be.

If you have your own app, it’s worth testing on every possible device to confirm it is functional on every level. Once issues are detected, custom app development may be required to make the user experience better.

Can’t Find What They’re Looking For

Are there certain menu items your customers can access at your restaurant, but not online? Be honest.

Whether you have a lot of menu items, or you allow for a high level of customization in-store, it can be altogether too easy to make a half-hearted attempt online.

Even with an accessible e-commerce storefront for your brand, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that your customers are abandoning their order if they can’t access what they’re looking for.

Organize your menu items into intuitive categories. Offer as much customization or selection as you possibly can without sacrificing quality.

Make note of the most common requests in-store and create them as options online.

Didn’t Want to Create Another User Account

It may come as a surprise that some users don’t want to have to create yet another user account just to place an order.

It’s understandable that you may need to gather certain information for takeout or delivery, but sometimes asking for too much can cause you to lose sales.

If possible, allow your prospects to place an order without having to create a user account they may not even remember.

Ask for all the vital information you need to confirm the order, but aside from that, streamline as much as possible.

Too Expensive

It’s common practice for restaurants to charge a delivery fee on online orders. Assuming this is stated upfront, it’s not a problem.

But if customers input their order only to see that the total cost has suddenly jumped by $5 to $10, they may be turned off.

Ensure that all the fees are included in the order, and that the customers can clearly see whatever charges may apply, including taxes, delivery fees, gratuity and so on.

If you do a better job of equipping them with the knowledge they need, they’ll be less likely to back out at the last minute.

Final Thoughts

Again, it’s worth restating that there are only so many variables you can control when it comes to abandoned orders.

Some customers simply won’t follow through with an order, no matter how intuitive and straightforward the digital app process is.

But if you’re noticing any specific hiccups that need to be addressed, then don’t be afraid to tackle them.

Keep an eye on your analytics via a dashboard using business intelligence, and if anything stands out, investigate the matter and see how you can improve.

Best-practice dictates that brands invest in a digital web and mobile app ordering experience that integrates all important third-party vendors.

This insures a seamless engagement, so guests will complete their orders, and then come back for more.

Originally published on DineEngine here.



Breck Hapner

Breck Hapner is an artist, designer, photographer & writer who works as a digital content creator & marketing director.