Game Partners Feature: BreederDAO Races Into the World of Sipher

BreederDAO Community
3 min readApr 18, 2022


BreederDAO is eager to announce its partnership with SIPHER, an exciting P2E project which aims to release a casual MOBA and exploration game

SIPHER: Gearing Up

SIPHER started with their launch of the first 10,000 characters of the Sipher INU race back in September 2021. Ultimately, the expanded universe will have many races with three already completed and 4 in the making to use in an open world social experience.

The team leading the Sipherian Surge include its founder, Tin Nguyen, a Forbers Vietnam 30 Under 30 member who is a CEO of a large real estate firm in Vietnam and founder of flourishing startups including DreamPlex and FreshHouse. Alongside him are his Co-founding advisors Victor Tran and Loi Luu who are co-founders and are respectively the CTO and CEO of the Kyber Network, a liquidity infrastructure for DeFi.

Surging Forward

The team has come a long way from their initial launch in September 2021. They have brought the NEKOs to life, the second race in the Sipher universe and launched $SIPHER, their governance token, along with staking and benefits for holders of their NFTs. Other developments they have promised their community that they delivered include the loot boxes for parts to build in-game spaceships, a webcomic exploring the lore of Sipher, and an alpha trailer of the gameplay.

The first half of 2022 will be exciting for the community as the team expects to launch the Burus, the 3rd race in the Sipherian universe. On top of that, the team will be launching the initial game mechanics and an alpha version of the PvE mode. From 2023 onwards, PVP and Guild Wars will be launched together with Sipheria Land. The culmination of the project is the launch of Sipherian Worlds, an online sandbox game mode.

With a strong team behind it, SIPHER was able to raise $6.8 million in its Seed Round in October 2021. Their $SIPHER initial public sale in December 2021 was also met with huge demand as they raised 9950 ETH in total.

BreederDAO Joins the Surge

SIPHER’s strong understanding of the nuances of the different stakeholders in the P2E space along with the myriad ways in which players and earners can create value in a vast economy makes BreederDAO proud and excited to be one of SIPHER’s partners.

BreederDAO Founder and CEO Renz Chong said of the partnership:

“We look forward to learning more about the interesting economy that SIPHER is fleshing out. The cloning mechanics will be an interesting development to look out for in expanding the accessibility of the game to a broader set of participants in the Play-to-Earn space. There is a lot of room for the different stakeholders to participate and create value for each other here. These are exciting times and with a talented team tackling the development of this robust ecosystem, we can see a very bright future for SIPHER.“

SIPHER’s Alain Dinh, Head Of Partnership also spoke of BreederDAO:

“With so many NFT in-game assets from characters to weapons, equipment, spaceships, land and much more in the future we see BreederDAO as an important partner to bring all these assets to a big amount of guilds, scholars and players alike. With all the partnerships and a wide network they have built in a short amount of time, we are very excited and confident in the team and what BreederDAO will build and deliver to the NFT Blockchain Game space.


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