Bran ReeseWhat is CRM?Customer Relationship Management system, also known as CRM system, or CRM, helps enterprises to understand and distinguish customers from a…Sep 27, 2021Sep 27, 2021
Bran ReeseUseful thinking structure from the consultant firm.It is callled the “Cloud, Rain, Umbrella” proposed structure.Sep 22, 2021Sep 22, 2021
Bran ReeseGet to know the customer lifecircleThe life cycle of customers is divided into five stages, which are prospect group, potential consumers, single buying customers, repeat…Sep 17, 2021Sep 17, 2021
Bran ReeseNever Lose the Curiosity of Learning.Learning is always the essential way to your self-growing. There is no shortcut, but only stick on persistent learning. Here are some…Sep 16, 2021Sep 16, 2021
Bran Reese5 Essential Exercises with AB WheelThe AB Wheel is a specific exercise device for the abdomen. It improves the strength of the core muscle groups. But it’s not just specific…Sep 14, 2021Sep 14, 2021
Bran Reese7 Things that Working out could Change1)The weight is the same as before, but the figure is completely different.Sep 10, 2021Sep 10, 2021
Bran ReeseWhat foam roller exactly you should choose?Foam Roller is a dazzling category when you go to a shop or an online store. There are types in long, short, hard, soft, smooth surface…Sep 8, 2021Sep 8, 2021
Bran ReeseWhat is foam roller and how it works?You have must heard about the Foam Roller. Let’s start with what a foam roller is and how it works for you.Sep 7, 2021Sep 7, 2021
Bran ReeseYoga, gentlelly step into your life.Yoga promotes physical and mental health through regulating breathing, various stretching and movement postures, and meditation.Sep 6, 2021Sep 6, 2021
Bran ReeseThe Correct way of Cardio TrainingThere is a theory that you have to do cardio training for at least 40 minutes, but it is a mistake. So you don’t have to follow the…Sep 1, 2021Sep 1, 2021