Why flexibility is the most important feature in a CRM system

Cookie at Breezz
3 min readSep 20, 2018


There is a lot of research out there proving the benefits of CRM (customer relationship management) software implementation for businesses and how it can increase sales and enhance productivity. However it’s important to note that success depends very much on which sales CRM system you use, and mostly, its ability to flex to suit your business structure.

A CRM solution that is highly flexible will adapt to your business processes and its specific needs. It should fit your business’ requirements at the time of implementation, and be flexible enough to grow and accommodate future needs.

So what are the top features that contribute to a CRM systems flexibility?

Application Flexibility and Customization

Every business has different needs and different corporate structure. What your company needs might differ greatly from another company. So how can one CRM system accommodate so many different needs?

A CRM needs to have options that let you customize features to align with your business’ requirements. For example custom form fields allow you to gather data from your customers that are important for your business.

You should also be able to customize your screens, views, lists, workflows, and menus so that the CRM streamlines your entire business flow. Look out for third party integration capabilities as this also contributes to the application’s ultimate flexibility.

Easy to Use and Affordable

Ease of use and affordability are some of the most important requirements for smaller businesses. For small businesses, a flexible CRM solution allows them to target their unique business needs without a great financial expense. While larger corporations might have the funds to purchase and maintain a complicated CRM system, small businesses need an easy-to-use and affordable option.

These days it’s much easier for small business to implement and benefit from a CRM system, and still stay within their budget. A good, flexible CRM will offer plans to suit any type and sized business, as well as offer new solutions as they grow.

Easily Accessible, Cloud-Based CRM

These days, you need to be able to take your business with you wherever you need to go. Downloaded desktop software makes it difficult to access important business data from multiple locations. A flexible solution allows users to access the CRM from wherever they are, whether they are in the office, at home, or on a business trip.

Cloud-based CRM software lets you sign into your account from any device with browsing capabilities. This is an essential feature for any business software and especially a CRM system holding your business’ data.

Ready to get started?

If you are currently thinking about taking the next step and implementing a CRM system, make sure to look for a solution that offers a high amount of flexibility. You should never have to adapt your business to a rigid software system — your CRM tool should flex to meet all your business needs.



Cookie at Breezz

Writer with a passion for anything related to sales and customer experience.