3 Reasons Your Church Should Be Using Project Management Software

Joshua Breland
2 min readOct 20, 2019


Churches large and small are constantly doing projects. Project management software can help. But first, what is a project? According to the Project Management Institute:

It’s a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. A project is temporary in that it has a defined beginning and end in time, and therefore defined scope and resources.

Church events, promotion campaigns, benevolence initiatives, new ministry launches, etc. are all projects. Project management software allows church leaders to define projects and project tasks, and assign project team members to the project. Below are a few reasons your church should be using project management software.


An all too common threat to church health is the dreaded ministry silo. Project management software can help ministry teams break down silos and collaborate like never before. With a great software, ministry teams can view work breakdown structures, schedules, key metrics (ex. hours worked) and ongoing updates and deliverables. Ministry staff can easily respond to work submitted by others, increasing the speed and effectiveness of iterative projects like sermon art, special event schedules, etc. Collaboration is often very difficult in churches large and small. Project management software can help.


One of the most difficult tasks of church leadership is delegation. Church leaders need to be able to delegate efficiently and effectively. With a great project management software, church leaders can delegate work to individual team members and easily provide context, due dates, and even dependencies on other projects. For example, if you need to assign a task to an assistant that is dependent upon the completion of a task by another team, you can assign the assistant’s task to only be pushed out upon completion of the other team’s work. Your assistant will thank you.


Accountability is difficult in church work. Too often, tasks and assigned work comes out of hallway conversations and long and winding meetings. With a project management software, church leaders can easily know what has been assigned and when it is due. When needing to hold a team member accountable, software provides an objective record of what was expected and by when. Church staff will appreciate the clarity and questions answered by a structured task management system. It is truly a win-win for church leaders and staff.

What is holding you back from adopting a project management software for your church? Not sure where to start? Check out these 4 great options for churches large and small.

