How to use Memcache in PHP?

Brellion Tech
2 min readJan 10, 2023


Memcache is a caching system that is often used to improve the performance of web applications by storing data in memory for quick access. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to implement Memcache in a PHP application:

  1. Install the Memcache extension for PHP. On most systems, this can be done by running the following command: sudo apt-get install php-memcache.
  2. Next, you’ll need to configure your PHP application to use the Memcache extension. You can do this by adding the following line to your php.ini file: (the file path may be different depending on your system)
  3. In your PHP code, you’ll need to create a connection to the Memcache server. You can do this using the memcache_connect function. For example, to connect to a server running on localhost on the default port (11211), you would use the following code:
$memcache = memcache_connect('localhost', 11211);

4. Once you have a connection to the Memcache server, you can start storing and retrieving data. The most commonly used functions for storing and retrieving data are memcache_set and memcache_get. For example, to store a value in Memcache, you would use the following code:

$memcache = memcache_connect('localhost', 11211);
memcache_set($memcache, 'my_key', 'my_value');

5. To retrieve a value from Memcache, you would use the following code:

$memcache = memcache_connect('localhost', 11211);
$value = memcache_get($memcache, 'my_key');
echo $value; // Outputs 'my_value'

6. When you are done with your Memcache connections, you should close them using memcache_close


It’s important to keep in mind that you should use Memcache for storing non-critical data, and you should always have a fallback for when Memcache is down or not available. Another thing to consider is that Memcache is a volatile memory storage, data stored in it may be lost in case of unexpected shut down or crash, which can cause problems for your application.

In addition, you should keep in mind that Memcache does not support complex data types such as arrays, so you may need to serialize your data before storing it and unserialize it when you retrieve it.

