
The Spiritual Journey of Friendships:

Growth, Change, and Letting Go

Brenda Hukel, MBA
6 min readJun 8, 2024


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The Dynamics of Relationships

I am always amazed and grateful for how the topics for my articles naturally emerge each week.

This week, the focus was on the dynamics of friendships. When I spoke with my clients, family, and friends, a common theme emerged — they wondered why some friendships end, especially long-term ones.

They shared their sadness over the loss, guilt and uneasiness about knowing when to walk away, fear of rejection, and challenges of making new friends, particularly as adults or working in isolated professions.

As I listened to their stories, they shared beautiful memories, and, like everything, there is always complexity — confusion around the changes, the bittersweet nature of growing apart, and the struggle to understand why some friendships last while others fade away.

Throughout our discussions, I emphasized the spiritual principle that every relationship serves a purpose in our lives, even those that bring us the most pain.

This perspective helps us better understand and accept the changes in our relationships…



Brenda Hukel, MBA

After 30 years in HR/OD, I left my exec position to write a book empowering women to become fearlessly authentic. My book is slated for release in Q4, 2024.