Been working so hard at getting fired, it just came sooner…

Brenda Moraa
3 min readJan 18, 2018


So its Monday 9:00 am, I am trying to login to my computer and realize its already logged in and the user forgot to logout their session. I am not really freaking out because I remember giving my boss my log in details on Friday when she asked me if she could retrieve some document from my end. It then hits me how suicidal answering that text was, I should have ignored it like I ignore texts from my boyfriends when they want a reunion!

I do not remember leaving an incomplete job application window open when going home on Thursday so seeing that window open I immediately know someone was snooping. My first instinct is to send an “I am being fired alert” to my friends first, for them to pity me and scold me (dont get the order wrong its how it goes, you fall down we laugh…pick you up)and then help me find solutions to this issue.

I contemplate alerting my roommate to begin a roommate search but I decide that its too rush and UN calculated to do so. I love jumping into conclusions, so you can imagine withing five minutes of the snoop discovery I had figured out how I will be fired,become miserable and moving out from my comfy room to sublet it to some stranger who probably will be a trump supporter.

I am scanning through the screen to see the open windows and I see two other open windows on office, one with my CV and another with one of my many cover letters, this affirms that someone was on my computer and this someone was definitely my boss! I mean you cant judge me, job searching is such a bitch but then again I have a job so why am I job searching?

The rest of the week flies by so fast and its Thursday already, as I prepare documents for our rider to drop off at various clients I decide to give him one of my applications too and its then that he tells me to be careful, something about a remark my boss made when she snooped and found my applications. Now I sure know I am getting fired but when? In my six month period in the organization, I have been late like three times and missed work for three days too, I am now feeling guilty about all this, my track record is so shitty it can neither help me find a job(I am freaking out) nor keep one.

Their is nothing much I can do at the moment since it has happened but wait and see how the whole thing plays out, she is on leave for a whole week so until then I dont have to face her. I haven't perfected anything in my life like the art of not dealing/avoiding my problems so this is an easy run for me. Meanwhile I am stuck on my computer googling stuff like “what to do when your boss finds you applying for another job” (…..just incase you decide to be dumb as me and get caught)and “How to get a new job in a short time”. I knowI have been trying to get fired but no, this is just too soon.

