Killing Ourselves to Flatten the Curve — Part 1

Brendan D. Murphy
9 min readApr 18, 2020

By Brendan D. Murphy |

Picture This…

An elderly woman sits on a park bench in England with no one nearby. Police draw near — apparently protected from covid-19 by their law enforcement costumes — to intervene and issue her a hefty fine…

Paris bans outdoor exercise during the day with disobedient joggers facing the threat of 6 months in jail.

Medical “authorities” at the W.H.O threaten “to enter homes and remove family members” in order to impose isolation on them.

Flashing signs at beaches in Australia warn visitors to monitor their “sand time” (without specifying how being on the sand might suddenly become “dangerous” — and after how long).

Innocent travellers are randomly pulled over and questioned — Nazi/Soviet-style — as to the purpose of the most mundane and innocuous voyages. “Papers please.”

Police in England threaten to literally examine the contents of people’s shopping trolleys to make sure people only buy “essentials.”

Crosses mark where we can stand “safely” in line for an ATM — fortunately the virus seems not to be able to move sideways between people standing in lines, but only forwards and backwards.



Brendan D. Murphy

Host of Truthiverse podcast. Author of the epic, “The Grand Illusion" books (Book 2 is nearly finished!) Founder, The Truthiversity📽 @BrendanDMurphyOfficial