Nikola Tesla- A Spiritual Prodigy

9 min readJul 21, 2023


Nikola Tesla (2020) Rysunek autorstwa

Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, and physicist who lived from 1856 to 1943. He was one of the most brilliant minds of his time and made many important contributions to science and technology. Tesla was known for his groundbreaking work on electricity and magnetism, and his inventions and discoveries have had a profound impact on modern life.

Tesla was born on July 10, 1856, in Smiljan, Croatia, which was then part of the Austrian Empire. He was the fourth of five children in a Serbian Orthodox family. Tesla attended school in Karlstadt, Prague, and Graz, where he studied engineering and physics.

Tesla moved to the United States in 1884 and began working for Thomas Edison, who was a well-known inventor and businessman at the time. Tesla worked for Edison for a short time before striking out on his own and starting his own company.

One of Tesla’s most important contributions to science was his work on alternating current (AC) electrical systems. AC systems are the standard for electricity transmission and distribution today, and they have many advantages over direct current (DC) systems. Tesla’s work on AC systems paved the way for the development of modern power grids and made it possible to transmit electricity over long distances.

Tesla was also a prolific inventor and held over 300 patents in his lifetime. Some of his most important inventions include:

· The Tesla coil: A high-frequency resonant transformer that is still used in radio and television technology today.

Tesla Coil

· The induction motor: An efficient and reliable motor that is used in many industrial and household applications.

· The remote control: Tesla invented a remote-controlled boat in 1898 that was the first example of remote control technology.

Despite his many contributions to science and technology, Tesla’s later years were marked by financial struggles and personal difficulties. He died in his New York City hotel room on January 7, 1943, at the age of 86. The cause of his death was listed as coronary thrombosis, or a blood clot in the heart.

While Nikola Tesla died of heart failure, the circumstances of his death were somewhat mysterious. At the time of his death, Tesla was living in a hotel room in New York City, and many of his papers and personal belongings went missing from his room after he died. Some speculate that his room may have been searched before the authorities arrived, and his papers and possessions may have been taken by unknown individuals.

There have also been conspiracy theories that suggest that the CIA or other government agencies may have been involved in the theft of Tesla’s work. These theories suggest that Tesla was working on top-secret projects, including a so-called “death ray” that could allegedly shoot down planes and other aircraft. Some believe that Tesla’s work on this project was so valuable that it was stolen by the government, and that his death may have been a result of foul play.

It is true that some of Tesla’s work was seized by the FBI after his death, and that some of his papers and inventions disappeared for many years. However, there is no evidence to suggest that the government was involved in stealing his work or that Tesla was working on anything that could be considered a “death ray.”

In fact, Tesla did discuss a weapon of some kind in his later years, but it was not a “death ray” in the sense that it could shoot down planes. Instead, he proposed a defensive weapon that could create a protective shield around a nation, preventing enemy attacks. This weapon was never developed, and it is unclear whether it would have been practical.

As for the disappearance of Tesla’s work, it is true that many of his papers and inventions were missing for many years. However, much of his work has since been recovered, and there is no evidence to suggest that the work that has been recovered has been manipulated or altered in any way. While it is possible that some of Tesla’s work was lost or destroyed over time, there is no evidence to suggest that it was stolen or deliberately suppressed.

“You really need to think about this for yourself. If Tesla WAS NOT onto something here why were the bureau and intelligence all over it like flies on shit”

In addition to his scientific work, Tesla was also known for his spiritual and metaphysical beliefs. He saw the universe as a unified field of energy and believed in the concept of “Prana,” or the life force that flows through all living things.

This is also another thing that caught my attention, as it is another genius who clearly establishes a link between spirituality, universal frequencies/energy and applies it to his work.

Prana is a concept in Hinduism, yoga, and Ayurvedic medicine that refers to the universal life force or energy that permeates all living things. It is considered to be the vital energy that sustains life and is responsible for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

The origins of the concept of Prana can be traced back to the ancient Indian texts known as the Upanishads, which date back to around 800 BCE. The Upanishads describe the concept of Prana as the life force that animates all living things and is responsible for the functioning of the body, mind, and spirit.

In Hindu philosophy, Prana is one of the five vital energies, or “pranas,” that are believed to circulate in the body and regulate bodily functions. The other pranas include Apana, which governs elimination and the lower abdomen, Samana, which regulates digestion and metabolism, Udana, which governs speech and upward movement, and Vyana, which is responsible for circulation and movement throughout the body.

In addition to its importance in Hindu philosophy and Ayurvedic medicine, the concept of Prana has also been of interest to modern physicists and scientists. In the early 20th century, the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger wrote extensively about the concept of Prana and its relationship to quantum mechanics.

Schrödinger believed that the concept of Prana was similar to the concept of “quantum coherence,” which refers to the synchronized behaviour of subatomic particles. He argued that the energy that animates living things is similar to the energy that is responsible for the behaviour of subatomic particles.

In addition to Schrödinger, other physicists and scientists have also shown an interest in the concept of Prana. The American physicist David Bohm believed that the concept of Prana could help explain the interconnectedness of all living things and the non-locality of quantum mechanics.

More recently, the Indian physicist Amit Goswami has written extensively about the concept of Prana and its relationship to consciousness and quantum physics. Goswami has argued that the energy that animates living things is similar to the energy that is responsible for the behaviour of subatomic particles.

In addition to its relevance to physics and science, the concept of Prana has also been of interest to practitioners of yoga and meditation. In yoga, Prana is considered to be the energy that flows through the body’s nadis, or energy channels, and is responsible for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Pranayama, or yogic breathing exercises, are designed to help regulate the flow of Prana in the body and promote physical and mental health. Meditation and yoga practices that focus on the concept of Prana are believed to help balance the body’s energy and promote overall well-being.

Now what I do love about all of this is that, if you look back to my previous articles i spoke about “The stoics” Marcus Aurelius, and many more were hell bent on the importance of meditation, and its not hard to see that once awakening spiritually, you do begin to tap into this universal knowledge that attaches to your soul and you begin to understand.

Tesla also believed in the concept of the afterlife and the existence of higher planes of existence beyond the physical realm.

“This is where it gets a little spooky! Is it just me or do I have similar thoughts on reincarnation as Tesla?

There is not a doubt in my mind that there is more, and a collective consciousness makes more sense than anything else.

Hmmm… not only that my entire thoughts based around metaphysics are substantially similar also.”

“What I also LOVE about Tesla is this:” He was OCD, and so am I!

One of Tesla’s most intriguing theories was his obsession with the number 3, 6, and 9. Tesla believed that these numbers were incredibly important and were the answers to a significantly greater understanding. He claimed that if you understood the significance of these numbers, you would have a “key to the universe.”

Despite his numerous successes, Tesla was known to have some unusual habits and behaviors. He was known to have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and had a deep obsession with the number 3, 6, and 9. He was known to walk around a block three times before entering a building, refused to stay in hotel rooms with numbers that weren’t divisible by three, and would use 18 napkins when he dined alone, never 17 or 19.

Christine Delorey

Nikola Tesla’s Astonishing Numbers

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence”. ~Nikola Tesla

NIKOLA TESLA was born on July 10th, 1856. He was born on the 10/1 Destiny Path — the number of ELECTRICITY, innovation, movement, speed, progress, and the power of the individual. The 10th of the month also adds up to 1. He was born in Week 28, which adds up to 10/1.

1 is the number of the PIONEER. And 10 is the form of 1 that brings things to a new level, which Tesla certainly did in his 87-year lifetime. He died on January 7, 1943 — producing some highly fascinating numeric patterns.
6 represents BALANCE and EXTREMES, and the connection between the powers of electricity, magnetism, and matter. The first multiple of 3 is 6, the combination of which brings 9 into being. Numbers are not static, or even linear. They move in all directions. Therefore, Tesla’s birth and death numbers, as viewed in the above chart, contain the 369 sequence. Hmmm, not only that but if you want to run these numbers through Gematria, the numbers 666 also means GOD and SATAN

Tesla’s OCD was likely a contributing factor to his many accomplishments. He was known to have an incredibly sharp memory and was able to visualize his inventions in great detail before he even began building them. This ability to visualize and obsess over the details of his inventions may have been a result of his OCD.

Something I have to mention, call it coincidence if you like, but in my life there are no such things. Not only did I count my steps from the beginning of high school until the day I finished, but I also would not enter a building until I reached a certain step count.

And NO, I am not saying that I am the reincarnation of Nikola Tesla, but if you keep following what I have to say and approach it with an open mind you will understand the connection to what is possible as i drop a big conclusion.

Finally, Tesla’s work on the “Teleforce” or “Death Ray” has led to some conspiracy theories about the potential uses of directed energy weapons. While the weapon was never actually built or tested, Tesla’s proposals for the weapon involved a series of specialized tubes and transformers that would generate and direct a beam of particles or energy towards its target.

Food for thought… Is it, or does it have to always be about WEAPONS?

Or could it be something else? “Death Ray” pffft!

Once it gets into the wrong hands, is when it becomes a weapon.

I am currently “mind-heart coherent” and walking in some kind of “Spirit” as I believe is the main purpose of a spiritual awakening.

There is no doubt that the “critics” are going to blast the absolute hell out of me here, but I must say “ill be looking forward to their point of view in the comments”.

I believe we have been so close to “true knowledge” so many times throughout history, that in the end we managed to fuck it up repeatedly by a poor minor decision, or somehow governed by the technology of the specific time. We are living in a continuous “LOOP” a repeated cycle of slavery and suppression of truth.





I write about the collective consciousness and the transition, philosophy, physics, Unity, Passionate about helping others during their radical conscious flip