Why write about Couples Tennis, when I can’t play it?

Brenna Humphreys
2 min readJan 9, 2023

I started my Couples Doubles newsletter in May of last year. I can’t believe I’ve been writing this newsletter consistently for half a year now!

My husband was already having knee troubles, but this summer the pain was so bad he had to stop playing altogether. Other than occasionally warming up my son for his tournaments, he hasn’t played tennis since.

We’re getting all kinds of advice from friends about surgery. He’s become a Youtube scholar on all things knee injury.

But the bottom line is: I can’t play couples doubles tennis until the other half of my couple is healed.

SO what’s a Couples Doubles writer to do?

🎾 Tennis was a constant

Tennis has been a given in my life since I married Steve. He absolutely loves it. His oldest son plays, and my kid took it up as well. It’s on TV in our house. We go to pro and amateur tournaments.

I was late to the tennis party. But this week I’ve begun to question: if he never plays again, will I keep going? Is it worth writing about?

The answer, I’m surprised to say, is a resounding YES.

🎾 Tennis is good for you

I can give lots if scientific examples of why tennis is good for you (exercise, brain health, social connections). I probably will keep posting about all those things because I believe in them.

🎾 Tennis is just fun

But if I’m being honest, tennis is just fun. I’ve never been much of an athlete. But there’s something awesome about running around and hitting a ball. I did an hour workout on Saturday and found myself texting Steve to ask if he minded if I stayed for another hour. I probably could have stayed for 2 if the dog didn’t need walking.

🎾 Tennis is zen

I don’t find it easy to enter the “flow state.” It really only happens for me when writing, walking and playing tennis. When you’re focused on that ball coming at you, there’s no mental room for rumination.

🎾 Tennis is better together

So, yeah, I’m going to keep playing and I’m going to keep writing about it. But I hope that he can come back and play with me sooner rather than later. Because as great as tennis is, it’s even better when you have someone to share it with.

So my goal over the next year is:

Get better at tennis! While he recovers I’ll try to become a worthy partner. And I want to learn more about the mental aspects of the game. I think I’m getting the basic techniques down, but the thing that makes tennis so difficult is the mental game.

I hope you’ll join me as I learn!

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Brenna Humphreys

Brenna writes about mixed doubles 🎾, marketing, architecture 🏡 and fiction 📘. See more @ CouplesDoubles.com + WalkthroughProductions.com.