You Chase Power …

Brent Kocal
2 min readAug 24, 2019


… but what are you going to do when you catch it?

POWER … we all want it.

Power is access.

Power is control.

Power is more valuable than money because those with power can generate all the money they want.


What very few people seem to understand …

And even fewer put into action in their own lives …

Is one simple truth:


Purpose is the grounding force that supports everything we accomplish … or will accomplish from this point forward.

It’s why you’re chasing whatever it is you’re chasing.

If you don’t know WHY, then you have no purpose.

And when you have no purpose, you’ll turn back at the first sign of a struggle.

Why do you think so many people start gym memberships in January that they stop going to before Valentine’s Day?

Why do you think so many people start businesses and close up shop within a year?

Because they don’t have a strong enough “Why” … that’s why.

They faced resistance and simply didn’t have the will to overcome it because they don’t know what’s waiting for them on the other side of that resistance.

Having a purpose doesn’t just ground you … it propels you forward.

It’s an invisible force of the Universe pushing you in the right direction.

It also anchors you to your true self once you catch that power you’re chasing.

But nailing down your purpose is a tough one.

You might think your purpose is to make money …

You might think your purpose is to build companies …

Maybe it’s to be the champion at your golf club …

But I’ll have you consider that your actual purpose goes deeper than that.

I think your true purpose is to build a legacy that lives on after you die.

A legacy gives your life purpose.

A legacy means you made an impact and people are still talking about you after you’re gone.

So … what’s your legacy?

Is it the size of your house? No.

Is it your Ferrari? No.

Is it the $50,000 vacations? No.

It’s the connection to the people around you … the ones who matter the most.

And when you figure that out and focus on that … you’ll find your peace in those relationships generates all the power you will ever need.

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Brent Kocal

Helping People Capture Life Momentum Through Radical Personal Responsibility