Photo by Eric Krull on Unsplash

Faxes, Blackberries, Google, and Now A.I. I’m Too Old For This Shit!

Brent Nicholson
6 min readOct 25, 2023

My mother and father, both still with us, traveled to school in a carriage pulled by a horse. My mother is 97 years old, and my father whom she stole from the cradle is 96. Living together and married for 77 years, Mom with failed vision, Dad is taking care of her and we are fortunate to have a single brother living with them to help out.

I’m the second of four so you can do the math and understand what I mean when I say I’m too old for this shit. I remember many years ago when I saw the first mini calculator, smaller than the palm of my hand. Calculators were not allowed in schools at the time. Few could ever have guessed that this was a simple precursor to a wild ride of technological innovation for the next 50 years

Party lines, dial phones, mainframe computers, 8 tracks, cassettes, Sony Walkmans, Fax machines, Pac-Man video games, DOS operating system, Blackberrys, Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, and Apple, each individually a miracle.

It’s hard to believe that we have only had the World Wide Web since 1995, 28 years. People born after 1995 have lived their lives with second brains in their pockets each with more power than mainframe computers of thirty years ago.

Thinking is different for them. Questions can be answered, problems solved, and arguments…



Brent Nicholson

I am an Entrepreneur, a cook, a poet, a thinker, a business owner, a salesperson, a writer, an opinionated asshole, an explorer and an interested person.