700 Miles Away

I’d grown use to sharing our morning hours together …coffee and planning our day,
Now, the mornings seem a bit bleak with less to plan because you’re 700 miles away,
We talked throughout the days sharing hopes and heartbreaks and wonderful joy,
The house, quiet and the dogs look and listen, but it 700 miles to hear your voice
When we are home together, I’m strong and confident and keep the demons at bay,
Now, I feel less so and the worries are harder to fight because you’re 700 miles away,
I believe myself to be a good man staying behind to handle our business here,
Whatever goodness I have is less because 700 miles keeps you from being near,
I don’t need a lot of people ‘round me as my circle of friends has grown small,
But when you are away 700 miles or so, it feels in my spirit that I have no one at all,
It’s not the silence that makes my head hang low, we held hands, and made not a sound.
My spirit aches at the unending silence you not being here, 700 miles keeps you from being around,
It won’t be that long now, soon I’ll journey to where you are and see your lovely face,
Though it seems an infinite distance to see you though it’s only 700 miles of space,
The real hurt of the miles aren’t found on any globe or map, I feel it deep in my heart,
Let us both know despite the miles, we will hold our hands and our spirits never part …
It’s only 700 miles …