Significance of Neurotransmitters

Brett Holley
3 min readNov 26, 2017


Neurotransmitters can be best described as lifelines of brain. They are responsible for carrying chemical messages to and from brain. Neurotransmitters are responsible for various cognitive processes and they control your pain response.

Human body is a form of engine which works by the combined functioning of hormones, neurotransmitters and vital organs. Neurotransmitters probably take central place because if your brain fails then there is a direct impact on your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Levels of neurotransmitters can decline due to various reasons and when that happens, there are chances of developing different brain related diseases.

Human body works at optimum level when the brain is able to communicate messages promptly without any blockades. If there are any interruptions in this communication, then it adversely affects one’s health and can lead to mental disorders. Many of the brain related illnesses are directly linked with low level of neurotransmitters. For those of you who haven’t heard about neurotransmitters before, Serotonin & Dopamine are some of the well-known ones.

Serotonin as you might know is responsible for your mood. Any imbalance in this neurotransmitter will result in mood disorders. Many people in US and across the globe suffer from mood problems due to lack of Serotonin. Serotonin is basically your first line of defence against negative feelings of depression & anxiety. Symptoms of Serotonin deficiency range from mood swings, panic attacks, insomnia, OCD, low libido, anxiety and so on. Some of the common reasons for low levels of serotonin include hormonal imbalance and stress. Women typically experience mood swings during their menstrual cycle due to change in hormone levels which in-turn affects serotonin level. Stress is the biggest culprit which causes imbalances in both hormones & neurotransmitters.

Dopamine can be considered as a “feel good” neurotransmitter. It is responsible for inducing positive feelings like enthusiasm, interest, energy, love and general happiness. It is therefore obvious that when our body doesn’t have enough Dopamine, we experience lethargy, lack of interest, lack of concentration & focus. Low level of neurotransmitters causes us to lean towards different types of addiction like smoking, alcohol, caffeine and adultery. People are drawn to smoking because of nicotine which is known to give temporary relief from stress. Nicotine is in fact used in many nootropics as it helps in increasing level of neurotransmitters. However, too much smoking can cause severe side effects like cancer. Same is the case with caffeine, it can help in brain functions when taken in moderation but too much of it can have deadly ill effects. If you want to safely improve brain health, then go for nootropics made from natural ingredients like Piracetol. You can read the detailed review here:

Various studies indicate that people who work in night shifts or odd shifts are the ones who have lowest levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. As a result, shift workers regularly feel depressed, sad and irritated. Shit working interferes with normal sleeping pattern of a person which leads to imbalance in neurotransmitters.

