Terminal 1 — Abu Dhabi

How much time should I leave when transiting via Abu Dhabi?

Brett Hales
3 min readNov 23, 2018


If you’re looking to books some flights between Asia/ Pacific and Europe, chances are the cheapest one’s are Etihad flights via Abu Dhabi.

Each year, my partner and I head to Europe and time and time again, we search endlessly for the ‘best flights’ for the best value. More often than not, Etihad comes up. Etihad is a well organized and affordable airline, however they do partner with other airlines through their alliances and often these other airlines are forced to cut the layover very time tight due to the landing allotment available.

We’ve had a few close calls and even missed a flight entirely by 30 mins. This meant we had an unexpected 24 hours in Abu Dhabi in the middle of summer (47 deg C) with no tooth brush and no change of clothes.

Here is exactly what you need to know when transiting through Abu Dhabi Airport.

Plane type matters!

Abu Dhabi has three terminals that connection flights transit from; Terminal 1, 2 and 3.

When booking your flight, look at the type of aircraft that you’ll be arriving with and departing from. Etihad use a range of aircraft, but have recently purchased a host of Airbus A380 Dreamliner’s. Dreamliner’s are truly amazing and way more comfy than almost any other aircraft, but if you’re traveling with a Dreamliner and are transiting via Terminal 1, chances are you’ll be arriving to the terminal via a bus link and not using an air bridge. This easily adds 20–30 mins to your arrival time and will shorten your transit time.

Dreamliner’s mainly dock via an Airbridge at Terminal 3 and there are only a few bridges available at Terminal 1 so chances are you’ll be in a bus.

Arrival security checks are usually very slow

Once you make it to the arrivals hall, you’ll need to go through airport security. Due to Abu Dhabi being one of the world’s more frequented transit airports, you can find yourself in a line up with thousands of other people eagerly eyeballing their watches and anxious to get through as fast as possible.

My best time through Abu Dhabi security was 25 minutes from arriving at the arrivals hall, to going through security and into the main hall. My worst time was approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. This was due to several planes landing at the same time. I was also flying economy and my seat was at the rear of the plane, so I was last to leave.

The security team at Abu Dhabi is in no rush at all and while you can ask to be put to the front if you’re on a tight timeframe, chances are that most of the people in front of you are in the same situation.

What’s an ideal time, you might ask?

I had to look up how many times I’ve flown to Abu Dhabi, and the answer is 14 times using all three Terminals. My fastest turn around was 1h 20mins layover in Terminal 1, which I wouldn’t do again since everything had to line up in order to do this and I got to the gate with minutes to spare and no time for a bathroom stop. I had a 2hr 10mins layover that I missed the connecting flight due to a delay on the runway when leaving Europe.

My answer: find a flight with at least 2hrs 30mins layover so you can comfortably get to the terminal, go through security, have a bathroom stop, stretch the legs and make it to your next boarding gate.

Another option to consider is staying the night in Abu Dhabi. The city isn’t too far away and breaking up long haul flights helps with jet-lag and overall enjoyment of travel.



Brett Hales

Fin-Tech enthusiast, Product Guy, Traveler, Startup Mentor, Founder, UXer.