Webcam Cinematography

Brett Bittner
4 min readApr 23, 2020

With all of us working remote, I thought it would be fun to assemble a little webcam cinematography guide. The type of camera or software doesn't matter. Follow these fundamental tips and look gorgeous in every situation!

Lift Your Webcam

Get that computer up off your desk. Lifting your camera to eye level highlights your true beauty. Don’t use low angles! These create double chins and highlight your inner nostrils.

Place your computer on a stack of books or purchase a laptop stand. You don’t have to create an uncomfortable setup. Lifting your computer, few inches, will dramatically improve your look.

Compose Yourself

Don’t make us search for you! Your eyes should land two-thirds up the frame. Keep your face dead center.

Avoid large empty spaces above your head. Be mindful that some apps will crop the sides of your image.

Front & Above

Your camera loves light and a healthy amount of light creates a clean image.

Put the light on your face. Not behind your face.

Position yourself so the primary light source is behind and above your webcam. Light from the side can also look great but don’t let it come from behind.

If you need extra light, try adding lamps on or behind your desk. Keep these at or above eye level. If it’s bright enough, turning off the overhead lights often improves the look of a room.

Background Hotspots

Watch out for windows or other bright spots in your background. These can confuse your camera’s settings and make your face appear too dark.

Black Backgrounds

A very dark background (e.g. a black wall) can also confuse your camera, making your face completely too bright.

Sound is Key

Prioritize a quiet space over good lighting.

Use a Headset

Keep the microphone close to your face! This rule applies whether you’re recording dialogue on a big movie or Facetiming grandma. A close mic cuts through background noise, reduce echo, and sounds cleaner. Headsets and earbuds are the easiest way to keep the mic right by your face.

Find a Quiet Location

Find a quiet indoor space and close all windows and doors. Sit and listen for 20 seconds. What do you hear? Can you turn it off?

Notify your family and dog before taking a call. Kids are always the wildcard so don’t stress minor interruptions. Any reasonable person understands we’re all adapting to the COVID lifestyle.

Final Thoughts

You don’t need special lights or an aftermarket camera for a great web conference. Just remember the basics:

  • Find a quiet space with good lighting.
  • Lift your webcam up to avoid unflattering angles.
  • Light should come from behind your webcam.
  • Avoid bright windows in your background.
  • Use a headset.



Brett Bittner

I create short documentaries and marketing things. You can see some of them at