Is the Corona Virus a Blessing?

Brett Lark
3 min readMar 18, 2020

Yes, it is true, the Corona Virus is at large. Are you anxious from COVID-19? Maybe you are not nervous for yourself because you are young and healthy. Maybe, instead, you are concerned for your parents or compromised loved ones.

Don’t get me wrong this virus is very serious and you should focus on washing your hands, keeping your distance, staying quarantined and keeping clean in general. However the stress of this season can cause more damage than the virus itself if you let it.

Instead of fighting for control of something that we ultimately have no control over I offer this perspective… that this season is an opportunity, an opportunity to engage with your family and friends.

For too long our lives have become infinitely busier and busier to the point that we have lost touch. This is an opportunity to get to know your children more; now that they are away from school and you are most likely cut on hours at work.

Did you know that during this season some families will all sit together at the table throughout the week for the first time ever.

Did you also know that divorce fillings have plummeted to an all time low. It seems that during this time of uncertainty we are more focused on what really matters. Supporting each other and loving each other is greatly outweighing the urge for abandonment.

You can look at quarantined as a limitation or a blessing. The truth is, life is so fragile and all of us could pass away tomorrow on a walk or driving in the car.

Are there past relationships with which you haven’t spoken to? Things left unsaid? I spoke to a friend of mine who’s sister left the house. He and his family were so hurt that they blocked all her calls. Since then she reached out from a different number with the message “I miss you.” He shared with me that he doesn’t know what to say and is so mad. I told him to say just that… “I don’t know what to say and I am so mad.”

Imagine if he never reached out and his sister had passed away before having the chance to reconnect. Would he rather deal with the uncomfortable conversation; talking to his lost sister or deal with the guilt of not saying anything and being cold only to find out that it is too late to tell her how he feels.

Take this time to speak life into your relationships. Let them know how you feel. Get back in touch with what matters. Love on your family and friends. Show them you care about them.

I would never say that the Corona Virus is a blessing, however there can be seen a silver lining that will bless the lives surrounding us including ours when we take advantage of this opportunity for us to support each other.

Love matters.

Brett Lark

Brett Lark and Tehya Mae hugging and looking out above the clouds.



Brett Lark

Brett Lark is an entrepreneur and entertainer that has beat cancer, overcome awkward social habits, and built several businesses. Father of Tehya Mae.