Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.

Brett Lechtenberg
2 min readMar 9, 2017

Do you recognize that line?

It was spoken to Gene Hackman by Clint Eastwood near the end of, the academy award winning movie, Unforgiven.

Right before the Eastwood character, William Money, kills Gene Hackman’s character “Little Bill”, Bill says, “I don’t deserve to die like this.” Eastwood’s reply is simply, “Deserves got nothing to do with it.”

That is a great metaphor for life.

So many people think they deserve something they have not worked for or earned?

All any of us deserve is…

The OPPORTUNITY go after what we want to do, have, or become. — Nothing else.

Yet, I hear every week from people about how they feel that they deserve…


What kind of belief system is that?

You do not deserve anything unless you work for it.

Put in the time, the effort, the focus, the thought etc.

Then you EARN the right to get what you are after. Until then be quiet and go to work.

If you have properly prepared.

The achievement of a goal usually takes less time and effort than most people realize. Unfortunately, it still takes more than most are prepared to give.

So before you think of uttering the words, “I deserve it.” Search your heart and mind and be honest with yourself.

Ask yourself — Have I actually EARNED what I am after or am I expecting it to be handed to me?

If you have done all that is necessary then great. If not, go to work.

There is a simple phrase to remember.

“To deserve more, you must serve more.”. — Unknown.

If that doesn’t work then just ask yourself — what would Clint Eastwood to say to you?

Dedicated to your Success


Dream Big — Live Bigger — Leave A Positive Legacy

