Boost Your Productivity by Decluttering Your Office Space

A while back, I performed a rather radical office declutter. And, I’m delighted with the results.

Brett Christensen
3 min readFeb 17, 2019


Image: ©

My new minimalist office is more user-friendly. It’s neat, ordered, and easy to keep clean and tidy. And I still have everything I need to do my work close by.

Before my declutter — for years before my declutter — I worked in an office space that seemed perpetually disordered and disorganised. I had everything I thought I needed set out across various desktops and bookshelves. And I do mean everything!

Bookshelves were crammed full of outdated IT textbooks, dictionaries, grammar guides, books featuring famous quotes, and hard-copy manuals for various devices.

In the desk space around my computer, lived a little army of plastic receptacles designed to hold pens, pencils, paperclips, staples, erasers, rulers, highlighters, whiteboard markers, whiteboard cleaners, corkboard pins, and spare batteries.

My “junk drawer” overflowed with old computer cables, dead smartphones, dying mice, and various knickknacks and dodads that I thought I might one day need or get around to fixing.



Brett Christensen

I enjoy writing, exploring new tech, and I’m passionate about learning new things.