Every Time I Close My Eyes

Brett Christensen
1 min readJan 31, 2019
Image: © depositphotos.comKuzmafoto

Every time I close my eyes
The fury rises like a red tide
Sweeping me away
Lost in a tsunami of rage

I ache inside from the injustice
I lay sleepless, my mind in a loop
Replaying poison words
Used as weapons to hurt and maim

The words cannot be taken back
Too many lines were crossed
Her pain remains
Anger is no excuse for what was said

I could work through the fury
If the words were thrown at me
But I was not the target
Instead, they hurt the one I most love

And it is that which I cannot forgive
This fury is just impotence disguised
Because I cannot help her
So, I twist the fury in towards myself

Every time I close my eyes…

Poetry is a new frontier for me, so it took me a long time to come up with these words. But, the interesting thing is that the act of crafting the poem somehow help me discharge a lot of the anger and frustration that I was writing about in the first place.

Which just goes to prove once again that being creative can heal and give hope.



Brett Christensen

I enjoy writing, exploring new tech, and I’m passionate about learning new things.