The Golden Light That Illuminates My Spiritual Journey

My Metaphorical Energy Matrix

Brett Christensen
3 min readMar 10, 2019


Image: ©

I don’t believe in a god of creation, and I don’t believe that there is a personal deity watching over me. I don’t attend church, mosque, synagogue, or temple and I follow no holy book.

But I am still on a spiritual journey that will likely take me a lifetime. Like others of all creeds, cultures, and beliefs, I earnestly — and often fruitlessly — seek to understand myself and my place in the universe. To find answers to questions that may be ultimately unanswerable.

To aid me on my journey, I have formulated an internal creation story. A metaphorical tale that helps my understanding.

Nature and beauty and art and music and love and kindness and courage and many other things make me believe that the lives we live are more than the sums of their parts. There is a profound underpinning. An energy matrix that holds it all together and makes it all work.

So, my personal spiritual quest is to foster a deeper connection to this matrix. To try to embrace the energy of the universe.

During meditation, I visualise myself being enveloped by a beautiful golden matrix of pure energy. Thin tendrils of light swirl down and cocoon me. The light caresses my skin. Gentle, yet full of power. I…



Brett Christensen

I enjoy writing, exploring new tech, and I’m passionate about learning new things.