Blog-Class 16

1 min readDec 20, 2021
  1. On the first day of class, I had no idea how websites were built. Now I know they are built with different types of code and code elements.
  2. I have gained the knowledge to think like a coder.
  3. I am going to continue my coding journey on my own. I am going to encourage myself to keep going by making a schedule.
  4. In 10 months I hope to be developing full-scale coding projects with a company as a junior developer.
  5. The positioning of these links is due to how the code is read by the computer and I do not know of any exceptions at this time.
  6. The building blocks of HTML5 are the tags.
  7. The nth of type is less conditional even though they both mean to select the second child.
  8. CSS selector specificity is when the computer decides which elements are most relevant to the element being called and thus selects the one that best meets the criteria.
  9. So far I have been using this class to learn about modern coding but going forward I will watch Youtube videos to gain more knowledge.

