Understanding Global and Local Variables in JavaScript

Brenda Wihogora
2 min readMar 23, 2023


JavaScript is a powerful programming language that is widely used for creating interactive websites and web applications. One of the key features of JavaScript is its ability to handle variables. In JavaScript, variables are used to store data values that can be used later in the program.

Two types of variables in JavaScript

  1. Global Variables: A global variable is a variable that is defined outside of any function. This means that the variable can be accessed from anywhere in the program. Global variables are created using the var, let, and const keywords and they can be initialized with a value or left uninitialized. Global variables are useful when you need to store data that needs to be accessed by multiple functions or parts of the program. However, global variables can also be dangerous, as they can be accidentally overwritten by other parts of the program, leading to unexpected results.

2. Local Variables: A local variable is a variable that is defined inside a function. This means that the variable can only be accessed from within the function where it is defined. Local variables are created using the var, let, const, and keywords and they can also be initialized with a value or left uninitialized. Local variables are useful when you need to store data that is only used within a specific function. They help to keep the program organized and prevent accidental overwriting of global variables.

How do Global and Local Variables Work?

When a JavaScript program is executed, it creates a global execution context. This global execution context contains all of the global variables and functions that are defined in the program. Whenever a function is called, a new execution context is created for that function. This new execution context contains its own set of local variables.

When a function is called, the JavaScript engine first looks for any local variables that are defined within that function. If a local variable is found with the same name as a global variable, the local variable takes precedence and is used instead of the global variable. If a variable is not found within the local execution context, the JavaScript engine then looks for the variable within the global execution context. If the variable is found within the global execution context, it is used.

Both global and local variables are important concepts in JavaScript. Global variables are used to store data that needs to be accessed from multiple parts of the program, while local variables are used to store data that is only used within a specific function. Understanding how global and local variables work is crucial for writing effective JavaScript code.

