“Be like a flower. Survive the rain but use it to grow.”

Brian Ford
2 min readDec 20, 2018


Time for another dose of positivity because, let’s be honest, it never hurts. Today’s quote comes from a new Instagram page I’ve been enjoying called @positiveenergy_plus, and it goes “”Be like a flower, survive the rain but use it to grow.”

I like this quote because it’s such a realistic example. In life we get rained on. We hear bad news, miss opportunities, and lose friendships. Times can be really hard and test your will. But, it’s all about how you greet those challenges and moments. I feel like rain is meant to test your character and see what you’re made of.

Those things that beat you down and wore you out, can you think of what happened next? You evolved and changed to your new reality, and likely grew as a person. Those moments are necessary sometimes because it takes hitting a low to push a new ceiling. Darren Hardy articulated this like a pendulum — you need to be far on one extreme to swing back and hit a high point on the other side.

So, “Be like a flower, survive the rain but use it to grow.” Adding a positive outlook to those negative moments will help you extract more out of them and become even more resilient to their power.

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Brian Ford

Founder of Self Improvement Daily — Sharing a new personal development thought every day in two minutes or less!