“Karma — Think good thoughts, say nice things, do good for others.”

Brian Ford
2 min readNov 15, 2018


It’s Thursday and you know what that means — time to share a quick dose of positivity. As we have come to expect, today’s positivity quote comes again from the Instagram account @PowerOfPositivity. Although the quote doesn’t directly mention positivity, it implies it and expresses its importance. The quote is, “Karma — think good thoughts, say nice things, do good for others. Everything comes back.”

I love this sentiment because I think there is real truth to it. If you preach positivity, it will be returned to you. And it doesn’t require that much effort. Think good thoughts — just give others benefit of the doubt, assume good intentions in others, and have the right intentions yourself. Say nice things — Give out compliments, express appreciation for a job well done, and frame criticism in a constructive way. Do good for others — take a step out of your way for someone if you know it save 10 steps of their own. They’re simple concepts, but their effects are massive, and everything really does come back.

Whether you need the boost yourself, or you just like picking up the people around you, there is a huge opportunity for impact when you spread positivity. A little support goes a long way, and it won’t be forgotten!

So share the gift of positivity with someone today — think good thoughts, say nice things, and do good for others. In fact, let’s do a little of that everyday!

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Brian Ford

Founder of Self Improvement Daily — Sharing a new personal development thought every day in two minutes or less!