“Stay Patient and Trust Your Journey.”

Brian Ford
2 min readOct 12, 2018


It’s Thursday again, so I want to take a moment to share a dose of positivity. Again gaining inspiration from the instagram page @Powerofpositivity, today’s positive quote is, “Stay patient and trust your journey.”

I’m as guilty as anyone else when it comes to wanting to see the product of my efforts. For me, it is very useful to get feedback and use it to make changes that lead to incremental improvement. And while that might be an effective technique, it doesn’t account for all forms of improvement, and this quote is a reminder to reel things back and remember the big picture.

There are so many things that can’t be measured on a daily basis, yet they are consistently adding at an imperceptible rate. This concept is the topic of one of my favorite books, “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy. In it Hardy talks about turning small decisions into micro-habits that prove their value over time in a drastic way.

But back to the quote — when trusting the journey, we have faith that these small imperceptible efforts accumulate into larger results, thus justifying our efforts. So using positivity to see these little, tedious, day to day moments as opportunities for growth will frame your efforts and help you feel more fulfilled in the way you are spending your time.

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Brian Ford

Founder of Self Improvement Daily — Sharing a new personal development thought every day in two minutes or less!