How To Win Friends And Influence People

Brian Kurian
2 min readAug 8, 2018

My thoughts on this American classic about basic human behavior.

Photo credit: Google Images

Are you in the Sales industry?

Do you want to get better at connecting with people?

Do you ever wonder how some people seem to be so great at making friends?

Are you trying to become a better human?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then I strongly suggest you pick up this book.

I first read this book 11 years ago at the tender age of 19. I wish I would have read it much sooner though.

This book is filled with countless golden nuggets of information about human behavior. Many of the secrets Dale Carnegie shares with you are so basic that you will kick yourself for not practicing them sooner.

Even to this day I still use many of the strategies discussed in this book when I am meeting new people or performing at my job.

This book changed my whole outlook on people and started me on the path towards becoming better at connecting with…

