The Material Possessions

Brian Kurian
2 min readJan 19, 2018

The older I get, the less and less I care about material possessions. The truth is that I value my time more than I value anything else. I realized that there were years of my life previously where I spent most of my time chasing after money so that I could buy nice things such as a nice car, expensive clothes, and being able to eat out and drink at nice restaurants. It took a while for me to see that I was sacrificing a lot more than my time when I was chasing money, I was sacrificing my health, my relationships, my inner peace and my emotional and mental well-being. Ironically, no matter how much money I earned, the things I just listed are all things that money can’t buy. I started to learn that the best things in life are usually absolutely free, and when you have your priorities straight and you stop chasing money, you end up living the life of a millionaire, you end up being rich in the things that no amount of money can buy.

Be thankful for the things you have, and no I am not talking about the material possessions you own, I am talking about the simple things in your life that a lot of people do not have. I am talking about your good health, the shelter you have, the clean water you have access to and the quality food and air you will be consuming throughout the day today. Millions of people all around the world do not even have adequate clothing or any of the things I just listed. You are indeed one of the lucky few. The one challenge we all face is that we are all fighting against time, and there is nothing we can do to stop time or even to slow it down. Enjoy the time you have because life moves so fast, if you blink you might miss it.

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