When Friends Become Family

Brian Kurian
3 min readApr 9, 2018


Photo credit- Google Images

Friends sometimes become family.

On Saturday night my fiance and I went to a local brewery here in town. We didn’t just go there to hang out with our friends and have beers. The main reason we went was to show support to a friend of ours who was recently diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

The brewery was holding a silent auction to raise money to help my friend and her husband pay for all the recent expensive medical bills they had accumulated. For the past several months, they had seen numerous doctors and had numerous tests done on her to find what was wrong with her. Needless to say, none of these tests and trips to doctors were cheap.

Once we got to the brewery, I was amazed at how many of our mutual friends came out to support them. It was simply unbelievable and it really showed how much we all love each other and care about each other.


Many of us had to work earlier in the day and there were a million other places we could have been that night, but here we all were…. Rallying around our friend to make sure she knew that we had her back. I didn’t hear excuses from anyone.

Friendship is a powerful thing, and sometimes friends can turn in to family. When I moved here a little over 4 years ago, I only had one friend that was living here. Now, I am proud to say that my circle of friends has grown tremendously and I am extremely grateful for each and every one of them.

My best friend recently told me….

“I want the people I love to remember me as someone that always tried to make time for them.”


I realized as the night carried on and we were reminiscing that in the past 4 years or so, many of us have been through some pretty serious obstacles. However, we fought through life’s obstacles together.

At different points in time, different friends would come together to help me and lift me up. I would try to do the same for them. Tough times come and go and your real friends always show up when you need them the most.

Many times my friends offered me more support and love than my own family members did. They say blood is thicker than water but I disagree. Blood relationships aren’t everything, love and respect are all that matter.

You don’t have to be related to someone in order to show them that you genuinely care about them and that you are willing to help them no matter what they need.


In my younger days, I always tried to make as many friends as possible. However, I didn’t work hard enough to maintain those friendships and ensure that they lasted long. In recent years, I have focused much more on cultivating powerful and meaningful friendships. For me, it’s not about quantity anymore but instead, it’s all about quality.

I know for a fact that a lot of the friends I talk to the most and have known for the longest would do anything to help me and make sure that I am okay. These people are selfless and they are good-hearted. They are high-quality human beings and they are working to better themselves but they place a high value on quality friendships.


No matter what path life takes you on, do your best to maintain close relationships with the people that matter the most to you. You can’t put a price tag on high-quality friendships and high-quality people in general.

A great friend is one of the few things that no amount of money can ever buy. You have to work hard to earn that person’s friendship. Likewise, that person has to work hard to earn your friendship too. Saturday night’s events reminded me that many of my friends and I will be there for each other until the end.


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