UX Case Study : Krealogi

Brian Prathama
6 min readOct 24, 2021


From August to October 2021, a newly formed group of UX designers, namely Brian Nova Prathama , Andina S Putri, Danny Steven, received our first task to re-design an App and add a feature or two.

Disclaimer : This is a part of our internship at skilvul.com learning platform. This made possible by the Digitalent Scholarship Program, funded by Ministry of Communication and Information of Indonesia and we are not working at Krealogi.

Here is our story.

Upon using the app for the first time, we find it difficult to understand what, why and how to use it. This validates the short brief that they gave us.

The Official Logo of Krealogi 1.7.1

App Name : Krealogi 1.7.1

Short Brief

Types of user

Krealogi has 3 types of users : Vendor, Producer and Seller.

Vendor and Seller are the type of user that aim to sell handicraft product (webbing handicrafts from various raw materials) through Du Anyam platform or other platform.

Producers are the craftsmen/craftswomen.

Users Profile

  1. Gender : Male and Female
  2. Age : Unspecified
  3. Occupation : Small Business Owners
  4. Geographic Target : Unspecified

Problem Statement

  1. Krealogi does not have a User-Friendly Interface for target users.
  2. Krealogi needs a User-Friendly interface to help users easier to manage their daily operational, make new strategy and maintain steady operational flow.
Photo by Universal Eye on Unsplash — The Illustration depicts how we feel when we use the existing app interface

As of now, Krealogi already have these existing features :

  • Production Planning and Monitoring
  • Sales recording
  • Expense report
  • Inventory management

They need us to design one of these upcoming features:

  • Simple CRM

Our educated guesstimate, Krealogi wants this feature to manage which customers’ spending that needs to be rewarded to increase customer lifetime value, hence the customer retention.

  • Cash Flow Feature

Our educated guesstimate, Krealogi wants this feature to help user understand their business better, meaning, they know how well their business is by using a simple cash flow perspective.

Our Team

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash — Illustration of how our meeting proceed (we dont’ have the sessions documented because we did it through online meetings)

Roles on the Team

Each of us has our own mind, set to re-design the existing feature or the new ones. The details are as follow

  1. Simple Cash Flow : Brian Nova Prathama
  2. Simple CRM : Andina S Putri
  3. Warehouse and Stock Management : Danny Steven

Design Thinking Process

We used Design Thinking as our method to get this task done.

1. Define

We tried to define what user needs are for this app and how Krealogi wants us to re-design and add a feature or two to the existing apps. We found pain points listed below

i. “Keuangan” feature is hard to use/understand because it has “Langsung” and ‘Tidak langsung” sections.

ii. App user does not know which type of handicraft items that their customer bought frequently.

2. Ideate

Upon discovering the mentioned things above, we tried to bring out the best ideas on how to make their life easier on doing business with krealogi app. Here is how it went :

a. We need to simplify its interface (inventory management / Gudang, Performa and Keuangan sections)

b. Merge “keuangan” section in to a more user-friendly interface → Analitik navigation menu

c. Make a new navigation bar / feature of simple CRM → Riwayat

User Flow for Analytic Menu (Simple CashFlow feature)

3. Prototyping

Try to play around in FullScreen. This Prototype was made before Usability Testing.

4. Testing

After we completed the prototype, we conducted usability testing using Single Ease Question methods to a user with this profile. Our mentor and its curriculum told us that the requirement for the user testing minimum is one person.

Usability Testing User Profile

Age :18 to 60 years old

Gender : Male or Female

Craftsmen / Craftswomen / Seller Handicrafts

Indonesian Citizen

Using Bahasa Indonesia as a native language

Using Android Phone

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We found a person that fits the profile above.

Enter Mrs. Mentari.

Age : 29 years old

MD by day, also runs a handicrafts business as a craftswoman.

Use Android Phone, an Indonesian and use Indonesian language as native.

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Upon interviewing her, we found that the existing app is rather confusing to use and she prefer our design to use with some notes to be addressed.

  1. She like the new Analitik menu but she suggested us to improve the Analitik’s first screen, she mentioned that there should be a page with 2 buttons to access each menu (expense / profit loss). She also mentioned that the graphic of Status Pesanan is rather confusing, so we will omit that.
Much simpler Expense Record

2. She loves the new Profit Loss Statement Page. It tells her how well her business is in a much simpler way. Also, she prefers the monthly window than annualy or weekly, because it gives her focus.

The New Profit Loss Statement gives her boost morale in doing business.

3. She like the Riwayat Pesanan menu. She felt that this simple CRM feature is a must for business owners as they are able to track which customer spending needs to be given extra care / reward thus increasing customer lifetime-value.

simple CRM menu design


What we (creators) think best, might not be suitable to the target users, hence the user profiling and usability testing. Acknowledging this, is a good start for every UX designer out there. Krealogi has been one of a kind study case for us.

Krealogi app is a good app for craftsmen/craftswomen. We tried to improve the usability to make it easier for user and Krealogi. We found out that simplifying the feature/pages/flows, help the users to use the app and we hope it also help Krealogi to attract more user.


First step is to change the existing interface so that new users are not confused and hesitate to use Krealogi. We wish to improve more user friendly interface and add more rich feature on Krealogi. This will be based on more profound user research and usability testing.This is not limited to : Marketplace integration, Bank Statement, Auto Reminder of the on-going production and so on. We look forward for your feedback on our design! Please stay healthy and sane.



Brian Prathama

Hello good People! I do data analysis stuff. Feel Free to Contact me for a job or discussion.