Embracing The Future: Symfony’s Asset Mapper Over Webpack Encore

Brian Thiely
3 min readOct 25, 2023


Symfony has always been at the forefront of offering robust solutions for developers. With the introduction of Symfony 6.3, the AssetMapper component made its debut as an experimental feature aiming to simplify asset management, a role previously held by Webpack Encore since 2017​​. This new component is touted to be a game-changer in handling web assets efficiently without the need for a bundler. Let’s delve deeper into Asset Mapper and how it could potentially replace Webpack Encore.

A Shift from Webpack Encore

Webpack Encore was introduced as a modern alternative to Assetic, based on Webpack, with a plethora of features for managing web assets. It provided a streamlined asset building pipeline once set up, despite being overwhelming to newcomers initially​​. Webpack Encore was inspired by Webpacker and Mix but maintained the spirit of Webpack, solving common Webpack use cases efficiently not only in Symfony but across various frameworks and languages​​.

Enter Asset Mapper

The AssetMapper component is designed to let developers write modern JavaScript and CSS without the complexity of using a bundler. This component capitalizes on the browsers’ ability to support many modern…



Brian Thiely

💡🔧 Passionate about tech and innovation. ✍️ I write to enlighten 🌟, inspire 🚀, and connect 👥 experts and novices in the digital world 🌐.