Integrating OpenID Connect in Symfony 6.3: A Deep Dive into the Token Handler

Brian Thiely
2 min readOct 12, 2023
Logo Symfony 6

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OpenID Connect has established itself as a quintessential standard for secure authentication across various web applications. With the release of version 6.3, Symfony steps up its compatibility with OpenID Connect. In this article, we delve into Symfony 6.3’s new OpenID Connect Token Handler to explore how it revolutionizes authentication in your applications.

History of OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect didn’t just spring up overnight. It was designed as an authentication layer on top of OAuth 2.0, addressing the growing need for a secure and robust authentication standard for modern web applications.

OpenID Connect vs. OAuth 2.0

While OpenID Connect is built on OAuth 2.0, it’s vital to understand their differences:

  • OAuth 2.0 is an authorization protocol that allows an application to access resources on its behalf.
  • OpenID Connect adds an authentication layer, enabling applications to know a user’s identity.



Brian Thiely

💡🔧 Passionate about tech and innovation. ✍️ I write to enlighten 🌟, inspire 🚀, and connect 👥 experts and novices in the digital world 🌐.