Symfony 6.3 Advanced Request Data Mapping

Brian Thiely
2 min readOct 10, 2023


Symfony 6.3 has ushered in a game-changing feature for developers worldwide: the ability to seamlessly map incoming request data to typed objects. This advancement offers an elegant and secure way to handle request data, streamlining the development process.

Delving into Request Data Mapping

Historically, handling request data in Symfony required manual extraction, followed by validation. With the introduction of the #[RequestPayload] and #[RequestQuery] attributes, Symfony 6.3 automates this chore, allowing for direct validation and transformation of request data into typed PHP objects.

Advanced Implementation

Consider a scenario where we have an API accepting user data for account creation. Rather than merely accepting and validating data, we can now map these directly to a DTO.

namespace App\DTO;

class UserRegistrationData {
public string $username;
public string $email;
public string $password;
// ... additional fields and validation methods

Within the controller, the #[RequestPayload] attribute can be employed to automatically map POST data to our DTO:php

namespace App\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;



Brian Thiely

💡🔧 Passionate about tech and innovation. ✍️ I write to enlighten 🌟, inspire 🚀, and connect 👥 experts and novices in the digital world 🌐.