Brian Posen Explains How To Cast the Perfect Cast

Brian Posen
4 min readDec 4, 2019


Brian Posen Explains How To Cast the Perfect Cast

Being the director or producer of a film or television show might sound like a prestigious role. However, very few realize just how much work goes into directing or producing a work of art. Directors and producers are involved in all aspects of a project, even pre-production. In fact, in addition to overseeing the development of the script, location scouting, and hiring the crew, directors and producers must also supervise the hiring of the cast. And finding the perfect actors for each role is no easy task. Brian Posen is an actor, director, producer, and teacher based in Chicago who understands how difficult the casting process can be. Posen has produced and performed in hundreds of theatrical events, including comedies as well as dramas, and dedicated his career to the theater scene in his native Chicago. He has taught for 25 years at the renowned comedy theater The Second City, where he also served as the program director and had to make decisions on who to pick for a cast.

Audition in Small Batches

Brian Posen asserts that auditioning people in small groups is the way to go when it comes to the casting process. Bringing in a massive group of people to audition over the course of one or two days might seem like the most efficient option, but in reality, it will only serve to make the auditioning process that much more tiring and possibly even confusing in the minds of the director and producers. Instead, Brian Posen recommends taking the time to read over a handful of submissions (this includes skimming the actor’s CV and looking at their headshot) and bringing in a select few actors at a time. Being selective is one way to minimize the amount of time that the audition process takes if you’re on a time crunch, as well as increases your odds of finding that perfect actor.

Change up the Material

The last thing you want to do is wear out your own project’s script during the audition process, shares Brian Posen. Hearing a hundred people say the same lines on repeat is not only tedious but will likely make you come to dislike that particular scene and potentially create an unconscious bias against later auditions. That is why Posen recommends choosing a scene from a different film or television show that has a similar vibe to that of the film you are about to make. Hearing actors say the lines from this other work over and over again won’t impact your love of your own movie. Plus, it allows you to save the scene of your choice for callbacks, which is arguably the more important part of the casting process.

Don’t Underestimate Chemistry

Unfortunately, just because you see two actors audition that would be perfect for the part doesn’t mean they will work well together. Choosing lead actors with chemistry can make or break a project, claims Brian Posen. And too often, Posen sees directors who prioritize individual talent over chemistry, and he believes this to be a major mistake. Chemistry between actors, whether they are playing two close friends or two people in a romantic relationship, is essential if you wish to make a movie that is exciting for the audience which leads to success.

Work Closely with the Casting Director

From a director’s point of view, it is imperative that they work closely with their casting director throughout the casting process and are as specific as possible when it comes to their casting desires. It is typically the director, or the directors and producers, who create a list of requirements and characteristics from the beginning. For example, the director must lay out the level of experience, reputation, availability, and box office appeal that they would ideally like the actor cast in each role to possess. They may also have a specific physical appearance in mind, such as hair color or build, depending on the character. According to Brian Posen, the key is to be upfront with your casting director from the get-go. This will give you the best chances of finding that perfect someone for the role.

Take Your Time

Most importantly, Brian Posen urges all directors not to rush the casting process. This would be a major rookie mistake, he asserts. Directors need to keep in mind that the casting process is one of the most important aspects of any film or television project. It is not just another task on your pre-production to-do list. Although the auditioning process can be extremely time-consuming, and at times frustrating, it is essential that you give it the time and attention it deserves. Oftentimes you’ll find someone who is extremely talented but maybe doesn’t have the right look, and vice versa. Try not to get overwhelmed and remember to hold out for that perfect person, as they will come along eventually.

Creating the perfect cast for a show is not an easy task. It can take many days of long hours of auditions to find the perfect actors and actresses for all the roles. Brian Posen concludes that although it can seem daunting at times, the reward is worth the effort involved as your end results will be all the better for it.



Brian Posen

An accomplished actor, director, and producer, Brian Posen has dedicated his career to the theater scene in his native Chicago.