I tend to overanalyze the behavior of people.

Briana Davis
2 min readJan 25, 2019


I’m always in deep thought and continually searching for the meaning of something. The reason for this is because I’m an intuitive introvert. Any intuitive introvert are depicted as intellectuals and deep thinkers. They prefer to think abstractly and spend a lot of time in their inner world, analyzing ideas and looking for patterns.

However, what I tend to over analyze the most is the behavior of people.

In psychology, there are cognitive (distortion) behaviors that lead to anxiety and depression. According to Psychcentral, cognitive distortions are simple ways that our mind convinces us of something that isn’t true. We have inaccurate thoughts that usually reinforce negative thinking or emotions.

There are a lot of cognitive distortions, but the one I struggle with is mind reading. I jump to conclusions about an individual’s actions without them even saying anything. I think I know how they are feeling and why they act the way they do. I assume I know how people are feeling towards to me.
Mind reading is a very dangerous mindset because it can cause a lot of turbulence in my close relationships. I feel like I know an individual so well, I can tell them how they’re feeling. So when I say it out loud to the person, they become quickly offended and makes for an awkward conversation.

I know this sounds like I take things personally but this more of me assuming negative assumptions about people. For example, I already have negative thoughts about this post. I already think that you won’t like my writing, but I haven’t even asked you yet.

Every day I’m trying to change this mindset. I’m learning to take what someone says or does for what it is. There is probably no deeper meaning. I have to assume positive intentions and understand that people are not out to get me.

