Choose to Land Your Dream Job

Brian DeSimone
2 min readAug 9, 2018


Make your dream job a reality

Now that you’re here, let’s talk about finding your dreamjob

  1. Make a list of who you want to work for and why they should hire you. If the thought of working for them doesn’t make you light the f#ck up than you need to dig deeper and dream bigger.
  2. If you are unqualified for your dream-job; figure out what skills you need and make learn to acquire those skills. It can really be this simple.
  3. Delete your Facebook and start taking online classes. They are often free or cheap. No excuses! 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽
  4. As you begin your educational journey you will still need money for champagne & dabs so get a part time job that you are already qualified for. Do not take a full-time job or you will not have time for class.
  5. Craigslist is the ultimate lazy person move (I know because I’ve used it in the past.) If you need to go that route to find a part time job you should at least forego emailing your resume and just show up at the business, hair brushed, resume in hand and make an impression. This will always put you at the front of the line.
  6. Buy a resume template designed by a professional artist. This small investment will pay for itself in job options and it will be visually engaging and fun to look at. Fill that thing with personality so people are excited to meet you.
  7. Stay focused! No champagne & dabs until after you have successfully completed your first 5 online classes. On second thought — cut that s#it out. It’s making you lazy.

fast forward>>

You are now qualified for your dream job but so aren’t 500 other people. How will you compete? 😫

Like I said earlier — there are no hard rules so get creative!


My friend Adrienne really wanted to work for this amazing shoe company in SF but instead of waiting and hoping that they would pick her; she decided to pick herself and made a video expressing her passion and excitement about the company.

In the video she was enthusiastic, honest, human and showed initiative. She practiced what she was going to say, she asked for feedback from friends and she waited until the light was just right before recording.

She already had a connection within the company and passed the video along with her cover letter and resume. What a boss move!

She knows that this might not work — but it will definitely get her noticed.

Congrats Adrienne. Making shit happen for yourself.

Got a creative ideas on how to acquire your dream job? Post in the comments below.


