Splitting Channels Like a mf Boss (A Photoshop Technique)

Brian DeSimone
2 min readAug 1, 2018


For many of you — This Photoshop technique is going to be painful. You’re going to kick, and scream, and say “Brian! Why isn’t this technique easier?! Why?!!” To which I will reply,

“If it was easy — everyone would be doing it!”

I call the technique — Splitting Channels Like a mf Boss! and it’s essentially a way to:

  1. Split the primary colors of an image into different pathways
  2. Strategically alter the individual color pathways; and
  3. Re-assemble said pathways back together

This is all just fancy talk for how to make really beautiful images (like the one up top) using a mostly unknown Photoshop technique. 👆🏽👆🏽

Learning the proper setup will be KEY — and over the course of a few weeks I’m going to show you how not to f#ck it up.

In the following short clip (my first video ever recorded — don’t laugh) I show a preview of what is possible after you have understood and learned how to clearly apply the basic techniques. You will soon find out that there is so much more to this process than you could possibly imagine.

It’s fun — and goes deep!

This is literally the first video I have ever recorded. Don’t laugh at me! ;)

Shoutout to altMBA23 for helping me see that the only constraint holding me back from starting this project sooner was ME.

Got an idea? Want me to throw some spaghetti at something? Follow me over the next few weeks and get involved!!


  2. Share the best ideas you have at the time.
  3. Trust that your intent will come through.

The rest will fall into place.


  1. I will ship twice per week and it will be at the same times each week.
  2. End of week goal: Decide on hard ship date & time that makes sense.

Check out my professional work at www.briandesimone.com — xo

