Improving Medium’s reading list: a UX case study

A concept to better organize & utilize your reading list.

Briandito Priambodo


As an avid Medium user, I can’t remember how much articles I have read, saved, and given claps to. I open Medium to improve my skills, discover new things, and simply to write something.

However, my habit of browsing Medium in my spare time has made my Reading List a mess.

I have 100 saved articles I (mostly) haven’t read.

I have 100 unread articles saved in my Reading List, because I needed them for future reference, or, I wanted to read them when I have time to do so. But alas, I have been hoarding too much articles that I even forgot they exist.

I mainly read about design, tech, writing, freelancing, productivity, self improvement, health, creativity, psychology, relationship, and entrepreneurship — 8 categories in total. Now, I want to sort them out, but I don’t have time to read them one by one. What do I do now?

Well, I think it’s time to create a solution to my nuisance.

Design Process



Briandito Priambodo

I transform thoughts and ideas into stories and visuals — inspired by books, quotes, experiences, and conversations. Read for free: