I’ve found my ZEN on Medium.

Brian Hallam
2 min readMay 9, 2024


Photo by Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash

I signed up to Medium about three weeks ago, I was browsing blog platforms and came across it purely by chance. I signed up, not expecting much. Well, let me tell you, I’m over the moon with it.

To be able to write so easily, post, and then get interactions has inspired me to keep writing.

I’ve had blogs for years, even boosted links to posts on Facebook, and received practically zero response.

There are so many ways to interact. It’s kind of blowing my mind. To make a comment on a post, and within an hour or so, I’ve received responses, claps, and highlights. It makes you feel like you’re been listened to, and what you have to say is of value to your followers.

My wife and I are a mixed-race couple. Over the years, friends and family have told us to write a book with all the stories and anecdotes we’ve collected as a result of living in post apartheid South Africa.

I’ve been writing stories for the last nine months or so and was hoping to self-publish.

After extensive research I’ve discovered that the costs are high, and the outlook for actually breaking even is bleak. To cut a long story short, I’ve created a publication on Medium where I will post a selection of stories from the book. So far I’ve published three, and the responses have been positive.

I’m seriously contemplating killing the switch on my other published blogs. They are costing me around $65 a month, and I’m getting nothing back! I’m certain that the comments, claps, and interactions I’ve received in three weeks on Medium are more than on all my websites in two years!

In closing, thanks to everyone who has interacted with me. It means a lot to me and has inspired me to keep publishing.

Please feel free to follow my publication: Harrogate to Kisumu ❤️



Brian Hallam

Author in training. Fuelled by coffee and my passion for reading. Proudly British, Love Africa, Hate Selfies.