Running a Zcash OpenBazaar Testnet Store

Brian Hoffman
2 min readDec 19, 2017


We can always use people helping to test out OpenBazaar and now that we’re rolling out new *friends* to the network I thought I’d kick it off with some instructions for one specific case: Zcash on OS X.

*One reminder is that if you have Macports installed this can conflict with your build process. I recommend uninstalling it if you aren’t using it to make your life easier.

  • Open Terminal
  • Create a clean directory to clone the zcash-apple software into and go inside of the folder (i.e. mkdir ~/zcash; cd ~/zcash)
  • git clone
  • cd zcash-apple
  • source environment
  • PRINT_DEBUG=y make all

Once this build process has succeeded with no errors you can then proceed to the following steps:

  • cd out/usr/local/bin
  • ./zcash-fetch-params
  • ./zcash-init

Congratulations Zcash is mostly set up and ready to roll for OpenBazaar. Now you must get the testnet release for the upcoming altcoins support.

You will be connected to a Bitcoin node by default so you will need to create a new configuration for Zcash.

  • Click the avatar at the top right of the app to activate the menu and hover over Built-in Server — BTC
  • Choose New Server
  • Make sure Built-in local is selected and choose the Zcash option
  • In the Zcash Binary field make sure you put the location of your binary that you just built (eg. ~/zcash/zcash-apple/out/usr/local/bin/zcashd)
  • Hit the Save button and the server will start up zcashd and open up OpenBazaar.

There is one more little quirky thing to do to fix running OpenBazaar [Zcash] on testnet.

  • Close OpenBazaar
  • Open up the zcash.conf file in ~/Library/Application Support/OpenBazaar2.0-testnet-zcash/zcash
  • Add the last two lines shown below to the text file and save it.
  • Close the file and restart OpenBazaar

You are now ready to run OpenBazaar for Zcash on the Zcash testnet for testing!

