How Millennials are Shopping: 20 Interesting Statistics & Figures

Brian Honigman
Brian Honigman
Published in
6 min readAug 5, 2013


By Brian Honigman

Looking for continued success with your customers? Start reading up on Generation Y.

Millennials or Generation Y are defining the way in which the global marketplace is heading, whether their behaviors are considered positive or negative for our continued growth. Their beliefs, interests and behaviors will continue to impact and shape our future across every aspect of life. Businesses should begin to take note of millennial shopping habits in order to adequately prepare for a continuing rise in the dominance of a generation invested in technology, social media and creativity.

CREDIT: Pew Research

Here are ten statistics about millennials and how they shop to inform your business strategy for the future.

1. Women and men ages 18 to 34 are more likely than 35 to 64 year olds to engage in nearly every online shopping activity, with 40% of males and 33% of females in the younger age group saying they would buy everything online if they could. The preferences and dependencies millennials have are different from past generations…



Brian Honigman
Brian Honigman

I'm a marketing consultant and NYU adjunct professor. I train, consult, and coach organizations on social media, content marketing, and more.