Creating A Low Poly Bunny Rabbit using Blender

Brian Mayrose
3 min readSep 11, 2017
Low Poly Bunny Rabbit
  1. First thing is to go and get a reference image. One side view and one view of the front. for example:
separate the two images2

2. While in the 3d view pane, press the letter n. Check the background Images box in the menu on the right side. Select the add Image button and pick your side view image. To view your image, press 5 on the number pad and enter orthographic view. Then press 3 to enter side view and you will see your image.

3. Delete the cube. hit ‘shift + a’ and create a plane. to rotate on the y axis ninety degrees: ‘ r > y > 90 ’. then position the plane center with your background image.

4. tab into edit mode, select the vertices option. Select a vertice, press g and grab it to move it and line it up with the background image.

5. You can select between modes by pressing ctrl+tab .while in edge mode select an edge then hold ctrl and click where you want to extrude to. Alternatively, after selecting the edge you press ‘e’ and pull out the edge.

6. just make the main body of your character saving the appendages for later. ‘ctrl+tab’ enter faces mode. Rotate with your mouse wheel, For those of you on Macs with a Magic Mouse, which doesn’t have a scroll wheel, press and hold Control on the keyboard then scroll up or down to Zoom.

7. Select all: press ‘a’. Set the object to zero, this allows mirror mode to work. do this by: Go to object mode, press and hold [Ctrl] [Shift] [Alt] [C] and a menu should appear. Simply select “Set origin to center” if you want it to appear in the center of the grid. 3 to back to side view, add loop cuts pressing ctrl+r, make faces for appendages. Extrude the faces. Use b for box select and g to move vertices of loop cuts to give shape to your character. open the front view images as reference.

9. Adjust your camera, press 0 on the numpad for camera view.

10. In the animation menu set the sampling rate over 700 and output quality at 100%. Press render to render. When finished press f3 to save the image.

