The Passing of Melina Chapter 4

Brianne Turner
4 min readOct 30, 2023
Photo by Julian Hanslmaier on Unsplash

I lay awake, staring at the ceiling. I’ve been a guide for years, but each case doesn’t get any easier. My primary age group is teenagers and young adults, as it was determined it would be better if they saw me. Upon awakening after death, a wave of panic and denial engulfs them as they struggle to accept their new reality. A burning rage marks the next phase, as they struggle to come to terms with leaving their family and friends before their time. I observed that the murdered individuals also feel anger towards their killers. At the last step, we usually let the person see how they have passed. By the time the last step comes, a person is at peace with their death. They have forgiven those who wronged them and proceed to Heaven’s gates with a sense of resolve.

The angels were at first hesitant to start the guiding program, as guiding has primarily been their job. However, with people passing every day, they couldn’t be by someone’s side during the entire process. When I passed, they only popped in to check on my progress, and I was alone. The program started small, but the angels expanded it so no one goes through the journey to Heaven’s gates alone. I hear a knock, get out of bed, and put on sweats.

I opened the door and I see Melina dressed in a tank top and shorts. “Is there anything I can help you with, Melina?”

She bites her bottom lip and looks up at me. “I can’t sleep because of everything. Do you mind if I sleep with you?”

Well, this job surprises me day by day because I have had no one to ask to sleep in my bed. They have asked me to stay up with them until they fall asleep, but never this.

She said, “If you’re not comfortable, I understand and can go back to my room,” before I could respond.

She turned around and before she could walk away; I grabbed her arm. “Sure, you can sleep in my bed, but only sleep.” She smiles. I move aside, and we both climb into bed.

It’s been a few months since I had a woman in my bed. As a guide, we work 1 month on and 1 month off to prevent any fatigue or exhaustion. During my off month, I found myself a beautiful woman in heaven. We made our relationship work around my schedule. She eventually wanted more, and I wasn’t ready to take the next step and we split iambically, but I haven’t dated in a while. When I was alive, I was dating a girl a year younger than me and after I passed; I found out she gave birth to my twin boys in 1960. It hurt seeing her raise our children and mourning my death. I would have given anything to be with them. She is 80 now, and she married at least 3 times, and she had 1 more child. I loved her. We grew up together, and I always envisioned her as my future wife. I am hesitant to commit to anyone as I await her arrival in heaven. Although she remarried, her heart still belongs to me; evidenced by the locket I gave her on her birthday, which she continues to wear. My children, now in their early 60s, started their own families and grew close to my mom and dad before they passed away and joined me in Heaven. It was a bittersweet reunion, as my parents were still grieving my passing and didn’t have any more children.

Melina’s light snoring shakes me out of my thoughts as she rolls over and cuddles close to me. She had her entire world ahead of her and because of one boy’s jealousy; she was here instead of living her life. I feel an ache in my chest and while I typically try to keep a certain distance between me and those I guide; I can’t help feeling a connection with her. This connection isn’t romantic, more of a familial connection. I look over to Nadia and see she’s sound asleep, and I turn around and drift off to sleep as well. I was deep in sleep before my supervisor interrupted my dream.

Gabriella, my direct supervising angel, pulls me out of my dream and into her office. She looks rather upset. “Joesph please explain why Melina is in your bed.”

I take a seat down across from her. “You see everything you should know why” she looks rather pissed and not wanting to get her to even more mad, I cut the jokes.

“Melina couldn’t sleep and asked to sleep next to me. She felt scared, and going through this wasn’t easy. I just wanted to help her get some sleep.”

Gabriella’s face relaxes. “Good. I just wanted to make sure you keep this relatively professional. That’s all,”

Before she dismisses me, “wait I have a question about Nadia.” She lifts an eyebrow.

“So, you know her mother wasn’t exactly faithful. Do you know for sure if her father is her father?” Gabriella remains silent and then shrugs her shoulder. I am drawn back to my dream. She isn’t the most forthcoming angel, but she is an angel of a few words, but she assigned me to Melina for a reason and it’s up to me to find out.



Brianne Turner

I am a self published author who began my writing journey this year. I primarily write romance novels and love reading other indie author books